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After I got home I was bombarded with questions. Mainly from Ally, who was still lost in this whole situation. I told them everything that happened and Ally was increasingly passionate about us. I mean, she was finding everything very cute. On the other hand, Dinah didn't say anything negative like the last time, she actually acted as the Dinah I knew. Teasing me about Lauren, but this time I wasn't denying anything.

Ally took me to school the next day. I really didn't want to go, but my mother called me at the same time I should be awake to make sure I wasn't lying to her. And today was her day off. I slept like shit. I had arrived late last night and I stayed up with the girls. We did a movie marathon and with a lot of popcorn. I could say it was the best night of my life. Including the time I spent with Lauren.

Unbelievable how I was saying this.

"You look like a zombie." Lauren commented. "You're scaring me."

"I thought you were fearless?" I smiled weakly.

"Oh, I am, and I love zombies. But I don't want the girl I like turn into one." she put a lock of my hair behind my ear while keeping her eyes fixed on me.

Seriously, I don't know why she did that. I tried to hide the black shadow under my eyes when I woke up this morning and let my eyes a bit alive or something. I wasn't pretty at all.

Was break time and we were sitting at the same table I used to be since the first day there. I didn't know why she doesn't have disappeared like she always does. Instead, she got me coffee and stayed with me since I got there.

"Why are you acting like this?" I took a sip of my hot coffee.


"Kind." I giggled. "That's not exactly you."

"I said I like zombies." she shrugged. "And I like you, so, it's a perfect combination." Lauren smirked.

"But you just said that you didn't want, hm, the girl you like turning into one." I frowned.

"You're not totally zombie," she mused. "So, if I manage to cure you, everything will be fine."

"Cure me with coffee? What about sleep, would work perfect." I sighed.

"I can do that too." she smiled.

"First, I don't think you noticed, but we are at school. Second, I can't go home." I shook my head, drinking my coffee.

"First, school is boring. Second, I cant take you home." she grabbed my coffee and took a sip.

"My mom is at home today, even if I wanted, I couldn't."

"You can go to my place," she suggested. "You will have like, two hours of sleep and then go home like nothing happened.

I chuckled and grabbed my coffee back. She was serious? I would just skip class to sleep? At her house?

"Can we go?" she asked, looking at me waiting.

"Lauren, are you fucking crazy?" I said. "I can't skip class. Again. And I'm at Ally's place, so technically she should take me home after school."

"She can meet us there."

"No she can't. And we are going out later, remember?" I told her.

"Okay, so... you sleep at my place, then Ally meet us there and you guys can go out." she ignored me.

"Are you listening to me?" I giggled. "And I thought you were coming too."

I looked down at my coffee. Maybe she didn't wanted to go out with all the girls and all that questions about us must bother her.

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