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"A note?" Dinah asked confused on the phone.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Was all she said." I sighed. "Look, maybe I have-"

"No." she stopped me. "You did the right thing. It won't be a sad-fake note that will make you change your mind. That's how she plays, Mila."

But what if I was right? That everything I said was only for a moment of rage and I really didn't mean it and overdid it with Lauren. Seemed right at the time, but now I was feeling like shit.

"You don't know if she's telling the truth."

"Because she's not." Dinah growled. "Mila, you were the one who started all this and you did the right thing. It was you who asked her to stay away. You can't go back now."

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "I won't."

"She will do anything to have you back and play with you again." she told me. "She has managed to do that once."

The day that Lauren kissed another girl right in front of me. I mean, the girl kissed her. I freaked out when I saw that, but it was really what happened, she said she didn't and she was right, after all I was there and at the end of the day, I forgave her.

"All right, Dinah. It won't happen again."

"You say that now. But I bet you didn't even threw away the note as you should. " Dinah paused.

I was sitting on my bed and had a note in my hand. She was right, I couldn't. But it was just a piece of paper and shouldn't mean anything.

"Do it." Dinah said after a few seconds.


"Get rid of the paper before it's too late. I'm not going to let her play with you again, Mila. " Dinah said firmly.

I looked at the small piece of paper in my hand for a moment. It means nothing. I thought. Doesn't change the fact that all she has done so far was out of fear. She wouldn't let anyone in and she don't care with who she was but herself.

I crushed the paper in my hand and threw it somewhere in my room. I took a deep breath and tried to forget about it and put in my head everything Dinah said. That wouldn't make me change my mind.

"Okay, now what?" I asked Dinah who was silent the minute I needed to make that decision. She knew I needed that.

"Now we don't speak about her. And you will go with us to the barbecue at Troy's house."

"You know my mother will not let that happen." I chuckled.

"Don't worry. It'll be safe this time. His parents who invited us, then Sinu is welcome to come too!" Dinah said excitedly.

I shook my head with a giggle. "All right then. What time is it?"

"We can pick you in twenty minutes?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure. I will let her know."

"Okay, see you soon!" Dinah said even more excitedly and I just chuckled.

"Bye, love you." I said before she shut down.

I got out of bed and lazily made my way downstairs. Even before reaching the bottom of the stairs I've ever felt the smell of lasagna. Well, I would change my idea to leave if the lunch here at home would be lasagna.

"Mija, I was about call you." my mother said as she put the glass tray with lasagna on the counter. Together with three other.

"I don't believe the day I'll be able to eat one of these alone finally came." I said excitedly.

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