The TRUTH (2)

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W...wee.....well - dad says ,also shaking, after a few minutes - Like your mother said, it really was an accident.!? - I say VERY confused - I mean, why would he do that?

Your dad had a ring on his pocket, your grandmother gave it to him - mom says a little more calmed.

You were gonna propose to her?? - I say impaciently wainting for the answer, looking into my dad's eyes.

Not exactly.... - he says nervously - I wanted to talk to your mother about what would we do, you know, if we were gonna get back together or what, but when I left the room for a second, your uncle accidentaly made the ring fall from my jacket and he was on one knee because he wanted to grab a tissue. So when he knelt down to pick up the ring your mother thought he was proposing. - he finish the sentence firmly.

OMG! - I shout - what did you say??

That's the other problem - mom says mumblig - First you have to understand that I was scared and freaked out about what could happen between your father and me and just everything, and that I was feeling...lonely, so..., I....I... - she says nervously - said yes.

What?!?! - I shout louder - you said yes???? What was wrong with you?? You didn't even like him, right??

No, of course not, I was just feeling alone and I wanted someone to be with me and your dad didn't say anything at the moment so I was stupid and said yes - mom says very quickly.

But...but...what happend then? - I say a little more calmed down, trying to put me on her shoes.

Then it all cleared up - dad says - your mom and I talked and your uncle Joey talked to mom and me and the thing is that he didn't mean it ,you know, to propose to your mother. And your mom didn't mean to say yes.

So after all this mess - I say - you didn't go out again?

Well - mom says - we did start to live together, but that didn't work out , so I moved with your uncle Joey.

And nothing happend between you two, right? - I say.

N..nop...nothing - dad says quickly.

I think he's hiding something, so I say - Tell me everything dad.

We went out for a while, but that was months after the problem - mom says - but it didn't work out.

Ok....umm....sorry for so many questions, but you owe me, so I'm thinking there's something more you guys aren't telling me. What is it? Is there anymore secrets before OR after I was born? Why did you guys had so much trouble back then?

It's a very, very long story - dad says trying to get away.

So? I have 2 hours left before I go out with my friends - I say - also you guys said that TODAY you were gonna tell me EVERYTHING about your relationship and all.

Fine, this is how all started... - mom began to say - We first met at...

However, before she could say something more, there is a knock at the door, so I have to get that and guess who it is...My uncle Chandler and my aunt Monica with my cousins Jack and Erica.

Hey! - I say

Hi!! Happy birthday!!!  - Erica says and hugs me, even though she's 2 years younger than me, she's like one of my best friends.

Thanks! - I say

Happy birthday Em! , Hey birthday girl! ,Happy birthday!! - the others say.

Thank you very much!! - I say - umm come in.

Everybody says hello to everybody and stay in silence for a while.

So Em, why don't you show your presents to Erica and Jack, while we talk here - dad says in relief someone came to stop the talk.

Oook - I say to him as I say, with only expresions of my mouth (This Is Not Over). I go upstairs to my room to tell Erica , while Jack goes to play playstation with Thomas, what they just told me as I let the door a little bit open, so I can hear what my parents are talking about.

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