The TRUTH (1)

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I'm still mad but I really want to see it. So I put play on it.
It starts with my mom looking at herself in the mirror, she looks beautiful, but because I'm still mad, I don't want to say anything.
Then my aunt Monica is fixing her veil, like she always wants everything to be perfect and you can hear my aunt Phoebe's voice saying she's so excited and that everything is going to be fun. Then there's a few takes of the tables for the party, everything is decorated with lilies, mom's favourite flower. After a while, I can see a little girl running in a beautiful flower dress, yes, that's me.
I look at my parents with an angry and kinda sad face, I just can't believe they never told me. I look so happy hugging my dad before marrying my mom, why did they lied to me? I'm just so confused right now and I don't want to be sad or anything, because it's my birthday, my 18th birthday, I don't wanna spend the day sad.
The bells of the ceremony interrups my thoughts. I'm watching my mom walking down the aisle, looking very happy. Their vows are amazing! I don't think I could ever write something that beautiful to someone. I can see the love in their eyes, they're just so meant to be. Then I can see myself running full of joy while the gests congratulate my parents. Then there are some takes from the party, I can see people dancing, having lots of fun while I'm with the nanny. That surely was a espectacular wedding.

After the video cuts off, I stare at my parents, who are looking into each others eyes.

I interrupt by asking - Wha...what exactly happened when I was born?

W..well..- my dad starts- What happened was....that there was a......mis...misunderstanding with your uncle....Jo...ey - my dad says very nervous.

What kind of misunderstanding? - I ask a little confused.

Your father and I were supposed to talk about what would know...after you were born - my mom begins to explain - but before that, your uncle......a...accidently...propose to me - she says shaking a little bit.

What?!?! - I say as I stand up, looking right at them.

There is silence for several minutes.


Sorry for taking so long to update. I'm just really busy with school.
Please comment and vote, so I can know if you like the story and you could give me some ideas of what you want to be happening in the next chapters.
Sorry about the spelling mistakes.

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