"Bitch," one of them snapped, slapping her. When the other one continued to pull her until I saw a trail of blood running down her nose; He was hitting her body hard with every move as if he was playing with a ball not a human being. I followed them because maybe I could find some more useful information about Wind or Selena.

When they stopped moving, we faced a giant iron door. Maybe it was the magical chamber that the judge was talking about. The door was locked with chains and huge locks as if it had monsters inside that they didn't want free.One of the guards opened the locks as the other held Selena. The room was a complete darkness.

"Go to hell, you bitch!" the guard yelled, pushing her into the room. I followed her. Maybe I could talk like I had with Christian.

When we entered the room, all I could see was darkness, which intensified as they locked the door behind us. I tried to find Selena but nothing was there. How? I didn't know. I saw her not less than two seconds ago and she was standing in front of me. Where had she gone to? I tried to find the door, but it disappeared, as if I was inside a massive black hole.

I started to walk, hoping that I'd find the door, until I felt something pulling my limbs down into the darkness of the floor. I screamed but no one came to help me. I began to hit the object that was pulling my hands and legs; and, to my complete and utter surprise, it let my limbs free.

Within a blink of an eye, the lights were back, and I was met by a female-looking zombie. She stalked toward me and in a moment of terror, I froze. I was unable to peel my eyes away from her ghastly, towering features. Her face was sunken in and her eyes were unfocused. Her hair was long and white with visible knots. Her mouth twitched and drooled as if she was craving for something, anything, like flesh or, to be exact, me. The smell of her rotting flesh made my stomach churn; and it was all I could do not to vomit right then and there. Her long nails were yellow but they were covered in blood. I wasn't sure if it was her own blood or blood of one of her previous victims. I saw her gross, discolored skin as I was close enough to see that it was falling apart. It was tearing away from her muscle and her bones. I saw everything I never wanted to see. In that instant, somehow, I got control back, crawling away from her.

"W-who are you? W-what do you want?" I yelled, trying to hide my emotions; because I, for one, was terrified of her. I've always hated zombies, and to add to my excellent luck, I found one in my nightmare.

"Me? I am Madilyn. You killed me, Selena. You killed Christian too. You...you're an evil monster," the zombie growled at me with her rotten voice, showing me her broken yellow teeth.

What the fuck? What was going on? She said her name was Madilyn. She thought my name was Selena. That thing thought I killed Christian. It just wanted to confuse me; why else would she say that?

"What are you talking about? I am Madilyn, and I didn't kill anyone! Get away from me!" I yelled at the disgusting thing in front of me.

Was it crazy or did I lose my mind? I am talking to a freaking zombie! A zombie for crying out loud! Maybe I have lost it completely; or my mind was playing tricks on me. Or was I hallucinating? I could not distinguish between truth and fiction anymore. I was going crazy. Just by thinking about it made me freak out. Did I really lose it or what?

"You did. You are just like me. You killed that little boy with your bloody hands. You ripped his flesh, slowly, and he was screaming out for help. You broke my heart. You killed him in front of my eyes," it sobbed, and her cries were loud, making chills go down my spine. Who was she?

"You are trying to confuse me, aren't you? Answer me please, who are-" I was cut off by the blackness again. This time, however, was different. I was awakened by a strange feeling, like my energy was drained out of my body. It made me want to close my eyes and die.

Once I mustered enough courage, I opened my eyes so I was met by the sight of Wind lying on my comfort chair. His eyes were closed as his eyelashes contrasting his pale skin; his full cheery lips were slightly parted as if he was deep in sleep. He looked so innocent like a child not like the monster who I knew.

The Other Side Of The Door (This version is on hold)Where stories live. Discover now