~Chapter Five~

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"Underneath my skin lie the demons within. They're dark and whisper death into my ears, call depression upon my mind, and spread loneliness into my soul. I rip my skin open hoping to set them free, too bad they've made a permanent home inside of me."

~Unknown author~



~chapter Five~

Another nightmare started as I opened my eyes and found myself in a room. Suddenly, a dull light illuminated the room, the details starting to show up more clearly. It was completely dark with an enormous white wooden desk at the front. It had a desk which had a caved drawing of the Scales of Justice on the middle of it. I noticed that there were people sitting at the two tables directly in front of the huge, black walls. It brought to mind some kind of courtroom. There were men and women standing everywhere like statues wearing black, long, hooded cloaks. Their stares from under the cloaks' shadows were freaking me out. It felt like they were cutting deep down into my soul. Most of them looked the dead with the grayish skin and the foggy, white eyes; the rest were unnaturally beautiful exactly like Wind. There was one that scared me the most; he kept growling, pulling at his white long hair as his white eyes glow with something screaming danger. His clothes were stained red as he was holding a bloody axe. When he noticed my frightened stares, he grinned malignantly.

I turned my head away, quickly feeling the disgust from his sight. I could feel his stare making holes at the side of my face making me shiver uncontrollably.I focused my gaze towards the back of the courtroom as I saw a massive old rusted cage that looked like a box-type enclosure with wires and gray iron-steel bars. Then it hit me hard on the face, I was inside it. What the hell? Was it a new trick? I moved my head again as I heard the sound of a mallet hit the desk.

"Silence! Order in the court," one of the three hooded judges said. Her voice was strong and confident and at the same time sharp and heartless. All I could see from her cloak was her sanguine red lips and inhumanly white skin. The rest of her face was covered with the cloak.

"It is a shame for a soul to commit heinous and devious criminal acts. I will now pass judgment according to the Netherworld laws." Her voice boomed through the room as everyone kept silent.

What was she talking about? Netherworld laws? Did I hit my head during my sleep?

"We, the Magical Court of the Netherworld, are here to pronounce that Selena Moore, a pure blooded witch, has a felony on her criminal record! Send her to the Torturing Magical Chamber, to get her punishment!"

Then, she hit the mallet against the desk again saying, "Guilty."

Doesn't everyone have the right to defend themselves in front of the court?

"One last word, the possessors of felonies are the demon's war models. The ultimate sinners! Good luck. This case is closed!" she said as the people cheered loudly.

Selena didn't even defend herself or say anything; she just bowed her head looking at the floor. She didn't even have a lawyer? How can that be fair? What is happening? What was her horrible crime? I wish I knew.
When the judges left the courtroom, one of the two rugged guards opened the cage door, making a horrible squeaking sound. Then, one of them caught her forearm hard, like he wanted to rip it apart from her shoulder, but she didn't show any signs of pain; that was strangely odd. He pulled her again as her body hit the ground hard. It was made of big gray stones, like the ones they used to build old castles.

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