Prologue: The plan

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It's raining tonight in Gotham city. That's typical weather but, no one ever seems to notice. There's always some psychopath trying to destroy the city.

The city has almost gone up in flames multiple times but, one man has prevented the destruction of Gotham city for years.

He has many names. Dark knight. Caped crusader. Batman. No matter what you know him as, you know who he is and what he has done for this city.

Along with the city's greatest protector, came the city's greatest villains. Each one different from the rest. Only one has ever truly gotten to Batman, The Joker.

Just the mention of his name sends shivers down the spines of the majority of Gotham's residents. His twisted smile, his seemingly unending body count, and his complete lack of sanity, all have made him infamous throughout Gotham.

The Joker has hurt many people close to Batman but, Batman still retains his opinion that by killing the Joker, he will become just like him.

Their war has gone on for so long that it's become a cycle. Joker breaks out of jail. Joker comes up with a diabolical plan. Batman beats Joker and puts him back in jail. Rinse and repeat. Over the years, the Joker has slowly grown bored with their "game".

Tonight, the Joker plans to end the cycle once and for all. He wants to do something so horrible, That Batman will do the unthinkable. He wants Batman to finally kill him.

Sorry for the short chapter, this is only the prologue so I just wanted to set the premise up.

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