"That's not healthy." Vic said. "Yea. And we wouldn't let you do that." 

We sat quiet for a while.

"Does he seem happy?" I finally asked after staring blank for 30 minutes. "Uh..." "It's alright just tell me.."  "Honestly. I don't know. He's been at her house since we got here."  "But it could just be a fling thing. Since they haven't seen each other in years." "If it was just a fling... Would you take him back?"  "I don't know. That's where it gets complicated. I love Justin. With him it's different. I'm comfortable around him. But he cheated on me.."  "Have you talked to him at all?"  "Not since I threw stuff at his head no.." "I think you two should talk.." Kellin said patting my back. "When? He's always with her!" "Not for long.... Lisa's not gonna let her tag along to the show tomorrow."

"So you're telling me to talk to him? Why?"  "I don't know it just sounded like you wanted to."  I looked down. "I don't know...."
"Women... So damn confusing..." Vic said shaking his head.

3 days later

Our first off day since we got here. I just finished showering and getting ready for the day.

Knock knock

"Yea?" "Hey hurry up there's someone here who wants to talk to you." Kenny yelled through the door. I sighed.
Who could that possibly be.

I finished up and slowly opened the door. "Who is it?" "He's in the back... He wants to talk to you alone.." Matt said looking down at his phone. "You guys are scaring me."  "You should be..." Char whispered not expecting me to hear.

I creeped to the back.

I slowly opened the door.

His blue eyes looked up at me.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He let out a light chuckle.

"Come in and close the door.." "Shouldn't you be on your tour?" I asked as I closed the door. "Maybe. But I have to get something off my chest first. Sit."  "Don't tell me what to do." He shook his head. "Please sit down."  "That's better.." I sat beside him. He turned to me.

"I feel this is only right to tell you knowing you and Justin are done." "tell me what?" I looked to him.

He looked down at his lap messing with his hair.

"K I can tell when you're nervous what's going on?"
His fist balled up.
"and I can tell when I irritate you..." "Please don't call me that..."
"What? K? Why what do you want me to call you? Kells?" "It's a whole lot better then K!"

He sighed and sat back.
"Alright... I'm just gonna come out and say it. I-"

"K... Kells just say it! You're starting to scare me. What? Something wrong with Casie? One of the guys? What?"
"No..."  "then what?"
"Just give me a second.."
I sighed out of frustrating. "Well I'm gonna go get a drink while you try to find words." I said getting up. "No." He said standing up after me pulling my hand back. "What?"

He looked down at me. "Any time no-"

His lips crashed into mine.

These lips.. I couldn't help but let it happen.
He pulled me closer to him.

He finally pulled back with his eyes still closed. "I miss you. I should of never let you walk out like that. Ever since we hooked up that other day, I can't stop thinking about you. And seeing you cry over Justin made me want to go beat the fuck outta him. He's a fucking idiot for leaving you. I can not tell you how bad I've wanted you the past couple days. How bad I wanted to kiss these lips again..." He said rubbing his finger over my bottom lip.

"please say something..." I looked to him. "I don't know what to say..."  He opened his mouth to say something. But right when he did he's phone rang.

"Yea... Alright." He hung up.

"I gotta go..." He walked past me to the door and walked out.

Kenny walked to the back eating chips. "So what was that all about?" "He... Just.... Me....lips.... Miss...." His eyes widened. "He kissed you and told you he misses you!???" I nodded. "Wow... Was not expecting that one." He said eating. "Why are you casually eating! I'm freaking out here?!" "Why? You don't care right... Right!?" "I mean...." "Woah Brit. You and Justin just ended. You don't need to jump right into K drama!" " I know! Plus I'm not even over Justin yet..." "How you talked to him at all like I told you?"
I looked away...

"you stupid..." He said stuffing his face. I rolled my eyes and walked to the front of the bus. "Bar anyone?" I asked grabbing my purse. "It's not even 10 am?" Charlie said. "So?" I turned and walked out the bus.

"Another one please." I asked as I slammed the now empty glass down. "So this is where you went..." I turned to the voice. He sat beside me. "Why haven't you  answered your phone?"

"I left it in my bunk." I grabbed the now full glass. "You okay?" I rolled my eyes. "Do I look okay Justin?"

He looked down. "I know I hurt you..." "Ya think.." I lifted the glass to my lips. "Easy..." Justin pulled the glass away. "We don't need you puking on the fans in the front row tonight."

"Where is she?" He sighed. "Home." "Good." "Babe I-" "don't call me that's..."  "Brit, I know what I did was fucked up. I regretted it right after it happened."  "Then why were you with her for the last couple days?"  "It was for her. Trust me I don't have any feelings for you at all. I promise."  "Then why'd you do it?" He looked down.

"I honestly don't know. I've been asking myself that ever since you kicked me out of your bus. I was gonna tell you I swear. When the moment was right." "When was the moment gonna be right? Huh? A week a month?" "I was gonna tell you as soon as we were alone. I promise. I didn't want to tell you with the guys all there."

I looked down at the bar.
"For what it's worth. I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you ever. I hate that I did. "
"Well I appreciate the apology."

"Is there anyway you could forgive me? I still think the world of you and it would mean everything if I got to make it up to you. I still want this. I want me and you to work. Please, give me another chance...."

I grabbed the still full glass and chugged it. "I gotta go.." I stood up and made an exit.

What the fuck...

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