Chapter 8

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1 month later.

"Well the plus side of you being out is you can focus on music! Remember our band?!?!!!" Kenny said walking around my room. "Ya! Who knows we could write an album! And record it all with all your free time!" Charlie said.

I sat in my bed. Free time..? This is he'll not free time. Wwe forced me to give up both UFC and divas belt. Which broke my heart. They had me after a week of injury, inform the wwe universe live that id be out.
That had to of been the hardest thing I've ever done.

Standing in the center of the ring, telling people that look up to me and pay good money to see my face, that they wont see me for the next 8 plus months.
The amount of tears

(Flash back)

"A lot of you've seen the footage of Money in the Bank and saw just how beat up I got. You all know I was rushed to the hospital for immediate surgery.
Then 2 days later, finally waking up and was life lined to Stamford for more surgery." I looked down at my wrapped shoulder. The years started to gather in my eyes. I had the UFC belt around my waist and the divas belt on my opposite shoulder.

"In the match, I managed to completely tear almost every ligament in my shoulder and slip a disk in my back..." I took a deep breath.
"I've been in this business for well over 5 years.... they most I've been out of action was for 2 weeks...."
The arena dead silent.
"I never thought id be here so soon in my career. But that shows just how unpredictable things are...
The doctors believe it'll take ateast 8 months to fully heal...
And that's still a big if..."
Tears randomly fell.
"They don't know for sure if I'll even be able to come back at all..."
I looked down.
"So with that... I have no choice but to give these up." I looked to the belts.

There was a long pause.

The crowd started chanting
"Thank you brittany. Thank you brittany!"
I smiled and raised the divas belt one last time. They cheered. As I brought the belt down kissing it like I always do.
"If and when ever I return... i promise I'll be getting these back....
Thank you guys so much. I'm gonna miss standing infront of you guys every week." More tears.

Clapping picked up. I looked to where everyone turned. John walking out clapping, everyone else back stage walked out behind him clapping. All superstars and divas. I smiled.

I laid the divas belt flat in the center of the ring. Then the UFC. And then climbed out if the ring.
"Thank you brittany!" Chants still going strong as I walked up the ramp, tears streaming down.
John walked to me and guided me up the ramp.

"Brit!!!! Hello?!!" Kenny yelled at me pulling me back. "What? Yea?" "Em's on the phone." "Oh..." I grabbed the phone. "Hello?"
"Does that sound good?"
"What?" He sighed.
"We're you listening at all?!"
"Sorry.... I spaced."
He groaned. "For the next week or so you and the guys come up with some materials, send them over and I'll give them a listen. We're doing this album. It's perfect timing!"
"Ya. It's good... I guess. When should we release it?"
"Well it depends how long it takes to come up with tunes."
"Okay.. we'll get to it."
"That's what i wanna hear! Alright I'll talk y'all later."

I handed ken his phone back.
"So..??"Charlie asked. I liked to see them all looking at me. "What?!" "You're the singer! got anything?!" I sighed and got up out of bed. I walked to my closet. I grabbed 2 notebooks in the top shelf. I turned and walked out. "Downstairs."

They followed me as we went to the studio I had built in my tn home. I sat at the desk and opened the notebook.
"Okay... what kind of song we want?" I looked to them on the sofa. They shrugged. "Really? Do I have to do everything?!" They slowly nodded.

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