Chapter 24

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I'm awful I know. I'm sorry for the very long wait. If you still read this. Please enjoy this update. I'm going through a lot and finally got the time to update. Excuse any errors. You know me... Okay enjoy!!*******

"Brit... Wake up come on I let you sleep in for two hours already. Kenny's gonna beat me ass!"
I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Brit..." "I don't wanna!" He chuckled.
"Come on.." He said slowly pulling the covers off.

"Ugh fine!!" I pushed the rest of the covers off and jumped down from my bunk.
"Your towels are in the bathroom already" K yelled to me as I stormed to the door.

30 minutes later

Showered dressed make up done.

"Hey Brit! Wanna go out to lunch with us?!" Ken asked grabbing his wallet. "Uhhh where at?"  "This good Chinese place we go to every time we come here." Slim said getting off the couch. "Sure.. Wait are there fans out there already?" "Yea! We already did the talk thing since you slept in so late... Why?" "Won't they see K and the guys leave the truck?"  "They already have." K said walking towards me. "Great..."

"I bet they know somethings up. Or they already know cause when we went out to talk to them they kept asking where you were and about you and Justin." Charlie explained. "Yea and one one asked why Justin posted a picture of Lindsey soo I think the cats outta the bag...." Matt said.
I nodded. "Well you guys can go ahead. I'm not really up for Chinese... And plus were in Europe? Chinese really?" "Heck yea!" Rook yelled. "Woah Brits not down for food...." Ken said rushing to me to feel my head. "I'm fine!" I slapped his hand away.

"Uh oh when a woman says she's fine...." Slim started. "I can stay if you want?" K said leaning down to me. "It's alright... Go. Just bring me back something okay?" They all nodded before walking out.

I went back to my bunk and pulled my acoustic guitar out. I left the bus and went inside to the venue.
As soon as I walked in ms. Myra greeted me. "Oh good your finally up!" I managed to crack a smile. "Is the stage done?" "Yes. You guys sound check in an hour." I nodded and made my way to the stage area.

I sat on the edge of the stage strumming my guitar.

"Why can't I break away.
Why am I still the same.
All these times,
Have gone to waste.
And I can't seem to contain.

Goin mad.
In this empty land
The demons say hello
As they watch me go

Left and right
Up and down
inside out
Im on the ground."

I slowly stopped strumming and sat there. Starring blank at the ground.

"New song?" I turned to see Kellin and Vic walking towards me. "Yea.." They sat beside me. "So what's up?" I shrugged. "We haven't had our Brellic time in forever." I started to giggle. "Worse ship name ever..." I said.

"Justin told us what happened..." "What'd he tell you?" "That he cheated on you..."  I nodded. "Sounds right to me.." Vic nudged me. "But he also said that you were with Kells all night that's why he cheated on you." My head snapped to him. "What?!" "Yea.. He said he saw you chillin with him and getting all close and stuff."  "Bull shit! No! He cheated the first day we were here!  Our first night! And K and them show up the day after!" "That's not what he said...." I rolled my eyes. "Well that's not true and either way I wouldn't and haven't been all over K. More like he's been all over me nonstop since I've told him about me and Justin being down."  "Maybe he's trying to get you back?" "No. It's annoying he was never this caring before. Why now.."  "I don't know..." "It's annoying! I just wanna be alone in my bunk all day till its show time."

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