Chapter 7

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"Hurry! This way!"
"Brit?! Brit!!?" Johns voice yelled. "I have to see if she's okay!" "No! John. You have a match!" Stephanie's voice said sternly. They're voices faded....

Bright lights.....
Blinding bright lights.
"...John?" As if a whisper. "Shhh.. it's okay ms. Garcia." "Where am I?!" My voice still quiet. I tried to move. "Brittany you have to stay still!" I began to move more. I tried lifting my head. I felt each limb get held down. "Where am I?!!" I asked louder.
My eyes began to feel weak.... As I faded.


My eyes slowly opened.
White. White ceiling.
I tried turning my head... but found I couldn't. I lifted my my arm and ft a neck brace. I looked around the room. A hospital? A looked at the other side of the room.

"Slim?" His head shot up. He spurn to my side. "You're awake!! Thank god!" He looked down at me. His eyes red and puffy. "Have you been smoking?" He let out a chuckle, almost as a relief. He shook his head. "Not since last night."

"Where am I?" "A hospital in San Fran." "Why?" I tired sitting up. "Don't!" Pain shot through me. "I think it's best if you stayed still." "Why!? What happened?!" He sighed. "I'll go get john..." He walked out.

Several minutes later. John rushed in. "Thank god!!" Slim followed with dub, dre, rook, and K. John at my side. "What happened?" "You! You wanted to wrestle guys! That's what!" He shouted. He took a deep breath. "After you took out Sheamus and seth, yoi blacked out. We thought you were just acting really good but after the match ended you didn't get up.... That's when the refs checked you. You were out cold. Paramedics rushed to you and said you needed to go to the hospital right away...i you've been out for two days." My eyes widened. "2 day!!!" He nodded. "They said when you tackled them you hit your head. And you hit you head several times during the match if I recall. They said you have a server concussion, that's why you were out so long. And.,,, another thing.
They took you straight into surgery when you got here." "What?!" "When you fl off the ladder on to more ladders, you tore several muscles and ligaments in your shoulder. Like completely tore! And when Seth was thrown out and the ladder slammed on you, it slipped a disk in your back. They're surprised you got up after it. You took a hell of a beating.... Worse then I ever did. And you didn't even physically get hit by someone. You were just in the wrong spot at the wrong time."
"What now? how long do I have to be here?" He looked down. "John? Hoe long?!" "Doc said you need at least 3 more surgeries for your shoulder."
"More... surgeries..?" He nodded

The doc came in. He introduced him self and explained more all my injuries and how to heal them.
"After all that.. you should be good as new." He smiled. "How long?.." "I'm sorry?" "How long will I be out of action?" "Ms. Garcia you severely injured-" "How long!" I demanded. He sighed. "8 months minimum. If you lucky.. back at all. It depends on how well you heal and how much we can repair."

I tears gather. 8 months.. I lowered my head. "Minimum? So I could be out longer?" "Yes or back at all. Like I said it really depends on how much we can repair and the healing process and how much you shoulder can handle. There's no guarantee you'll be back to your old self in the next 8 months..."

I felt john grab my hand. "Now, you bosses insist you be life lined or flown to Stamford where they've hand picked the best they could find to treat you. You leave her in 30 minutes. Then as soon as you get there, surgery. Any questions?"
I stayed quiet. "No... we're good. thanks doc." John said shaking his hand before he walked out.
"8 months..." I whispered. "I know...". "What am I suppose to do?!" I asked as the tears fell.

"I was doing so well... 5 years nonstop. And now... I might be out for a whole year. Gone completely.... What about the belt?!?" John looked away. "Well you can't defend either one, so.... you'd have to give them up."more tears. All my hard work the past couple of months. The history made... all gone.

I felt a hand touch my arm. I looked slim.
"Why are you guys here?" "We saw the match! AND we were in LA." "Ya, we knew something was seriously wrong when John ran out there." I turned to him. "You ran out there?" "Well yea! You weren't moving and the paramedics ran out there.... I tired to get to you but Stephanie held me back. I wanted to ride with you to the hospital but I had a match." "You win?" He smiled. "Just for you." "Who ended up winning money in the bank?" "Kofi." I nodded.

Slim and them hung out till they started to get me ready to fly.

The flight was okay. John rode with me. He's flying Ali out to see me, since I am injured

As soon as I got to Stamford hospital, they preped me and took me to surgery.


Sorry if you went to read this and it was all messed up.

My phones all fucked up.

And I do nothing in my first block so I will be trying to update everything I have written.

I was gonna try to finish this book before I graduate high school but

I get out of school on May 8. And I'm no where near done writing. Sooo,...


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