Chapter 23

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Annddddd here's more!!****

"God... I can't believe we're here!!" I said sitting on a couch in our hotel room in Europe. "Is it safe to say..... We made it!" Kenny said sitting beside me. "Shall we pop this bottle to celebrate?" Matt asked holding up a bottle. "Well hell yea!" Charlie said pulling it from him opening it. Matt got glasses. Charlie poured some for each of us. "To our first Europe tour!" I said holding up my glass. "To Europe!" They yelled as we clinked glasses. "May us all have a kick ass time!!" Charlie said before drinking.

After we finished that bottle... Charlie pulled out a bottle of something else...
Which we soo finished as well.
"Why are we celebrating by are self?!" "Ya! Where is everyone else!!?" "What? Can't we just chill just us?" "Yea... But." "But what?!" I asked. "Y'all can get boring!!!!" "Wheres Justin?" Charlie asked.
I thought.... "Shit. I really don't know. After we got off the plane and took separate cars... I haven't talked to him. In fact. Wheres my phone.." I got up and started searching. Finally finding it. "Shit... It's 2 am!" "No way!!" "Yes way!!! What time did we get here?" "7 I think.."
"Any word from Justin?"
I scrolled through. Nothing from Justin. But texts from John, my sisters, Vic, and Kellin.
"No... Actually."

"Well we got our first show tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed!" "Night!!" They yelled as I ventured off to my room. I plugged up my phone and changed into my pjs.

I laid in bed. Closing my eyes.
My phone starts to ring. I rolled over to it.

I smiled and answered.
"I was wondering when you'd call."
Muffling came through the phone. "Justin?.."

I heard him talking to someone. "Justin?!" I asked louder. Nothing. This idiot probably butt dialed me.
I shook my head.
"What about brittany?" I heard the other voice say. It sounds like a female. Or it's just Kellin.

"What about her?" Justin said to her. "Aren't you too dating? Aren't you.. In love with her?" "I was in love with you first." "I know... I've missed you though." "You're the one that moved Linsey." "I'm sorry I wanted to adventure new things... I'm moving back."
"What?" "Next month. I'm moving back to Texas." "Why?" "Cause I miss it.... And you.."

It got quiet....
Linsey? Who they heck is....
Hes ex Linsey who moved to... Yupp her.

I heard what sounded like kissing. He's not...

They continued..

I can't..
I hung up.
"What?..." I whispered to myself. Please tell me what I just heard was a lie.... Please no.

Before I knew it, a water fall of tears.
Why can't any relationship last?
Every single one... Ends with me crushed

Next morning.

"Britt!!! WAKE UPPPP!!!" Kenny yelled from my door.
I blinked wake. "Whattttt?" "Time to get up and get ready! Bus will be here in an hour!" I groaned and rolled over.
I checked my phone.
I went through my calls.

Please let last night be a lie.

Sure enough. There it was.

Incoming call Justin

I threw my phone down and forces myself up out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and showered.
I found myself spending extra time in there just crying.

I got out dressed and got my stuff together. I closed the suit case and started to zip it closed.
"Bus is here." Kenny said at the door. "K." I said. The zipper got stuck. I tried fixing it. "Need help?" I tired harder. "Brit stop! I'll do it!"
I pulled harder. "Brit!!"

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