Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up....with a huge.... hang over.
My family, john, and I flew to Tn. Since that's where raw monad at night. The rest(trainers) are joining as well...
They're all staying at my place.

Since last night my phone has been blown up. Calls texts tweets facetimes... Everything.
I tried to reply and answer most of them. But it's way too much.

We got to my house in Tn and chilled a bit. All to hung over to do anything really. My phone rang. FaceTime
I answered.
"Yo!!! Holy shit!!!! I can't believe you fucking knocked the bitch out!!!" I laughed. "Ya... but she got me pretty good though." I said focusing the camera on my fresh black eye forming. "That ain't shit compared to her! You did some damage!!" I heard someone say behind him. "Aye! Congrats on the win!" K came into view. "Thank you. It was a battle." "What? You made that shot look easy!!" "Yea! People are saying it looked too easy... they like it was rigged." "We'll trust me... it wasn't."

"Where them belts at!??!" Dubs voice yelled. I laughed and pulled out each of their brief cases. I opened each one and showed them. "Damn.. how much do each of those cost?!" "Fuck if I know.."

I talked a little longer. "Oh hey! Guess what?!" Slim asked. "What?" "We're going to raw Monday." "Really?!" "Yea! Ks going to see Jojo." "They're still a thing?" "Yea... they're just messin around now. Not dating." "He say that? Or her?" "He did... Well anyways we're tagging along to see you!" "Aww miss me?" "He'll yea!!" I laughed. "Well hey, I'm about to cook some lunch. So I'll see you guys tomorrow night." "Alright. See ya!" I hung up and sat my phone ldown.

I started chopping veggies and fruit. John walked in. "Who were you just talking to?" "Slim. Him and the guys are coming to raw." He nodded. "You ready for all these morning shows coming up?" "Ya, I don't think they'll be too bad. But damn it's a lot of flying! And I have to do interviews with day time talk shows that mark just emailed me about. And I have magazine cover offers. It's crazy.." "Woah what?!" "Ya, Ellen wants me on the shoe and Oprah wants a interview. And late night shows... which I can't remember. Uh maxim and men's fitness want me on the next month cover. I'm going to men's fitness shoot Thursday and maxim next Tuesday...." "Damn look at you... buzzy bee!" "Yup... I have a feeling i won't get sleep the next month or so." "Try the rest of your life.."

The shows about to start. I'm making up ready. Even though I won't be on screen till the end if the show.. they're having a little celebration party for me.

Right not I'm roaming the halls at the arena. I'm looking down at my phone as a tall figure walks into me. "woah, shit my bad." I looked up. K "gosh... walk much?" He asked smirking at me. "Sorry..." I backed up. "Don't act scared. it's just me." "Ya.. where's slim and the guys?" "Looking for you." "And what are you doing?" "Looking for Jojo.." "Still with her?" "No, we're just messing around..." "She know that?" He chuckled. "Yes, she does... I think." I rolled my eyes and walked passed him. "Oh so it's like that?! Become all bad ass and leave me high and dry?" I walked down the hall way to find the guys. K still following close behind me. "How you been?" He asked running beside me putting his arm around my shoulders. I shrugged him off. "I'm good... you?" "Good. How you loving the success life?" "It's been two days.. Nothing's really changed." "Ya right!"

I turned a corner. Slim and the guys came into view. "There she is!" Rook yelled. I smiled and walked to them. "Kells, you found her!!" Slim said pulling me into a hug. "Hey Slimmy." "Hey." He let go of me. Rook then pulled me into him. Then see and dub. "Well I didn't get a hug." K mumbled

We stood in that circle talking till Jojo walked up to K and forced herself on him. They went at it for a good bit. Slim tried changing the subject and get the attention away for. Them. Didn't work.

Thank god John walked up to save the day. He lead me to a meeting with mark and other top WWE people.

Later on
After the show

During my celebration, good ole Seth Rollins came out bagging on me. Saying that cause I'm a girl I don't matter. Not only that but Rhonda tweeted and they showed it live on the big screen.
•Beginners luck. I want my belt back. Round 2?•
Cause of all that, they have story lines of course for them. They're gonna make a whole sexist deal... all divas are involved saying we are just as good as men. Blah blah blah. I love the idea but.... More work.

They're thinking about having a second Rhonda vs Brittany match next month. Since people are saying the first fight was rigged. So yea.. more insane training.

Week later

I just finished my maxim shoot. I already did my men's fitness shoot and now sports illustrated what's a shoot tomorrow. On top of that and all morning shows/day time/ late night shows and attending all wwe and Tna events.
I'm more then tired.

The story line with Seth has excluded. They're turning it in to me and Seth wrestling at the paper view. If I win I'm officially considered a superstar not a diva.

The rematch for Rhonda is also next month. So she can shut up already.

3 weeks later.

I've done all my show appearance, photo shoots and all that fun stuff.
They released the maxim cover already. Tonight is the paper view. Me vs Seth.
They're ify about the whole match cause the whole guys shouldn't hit women and everything. But they're still going with it. My match is up next.. I'm standing by the curtain with my belts waiting. John walked up.

"You ready?" I nodded. "Kick his ass!" John said just as Seth walked up. "Please...." he chuckled. "Alright Seth.." the sound guy said pulling him out. Me and John did our hand shake. "You got this!"
Seth walked out. Them I did

I have Seth down for the pin
1, 2 -
Kick out.
I got up, run to the rope. A hand suddenly at my ankles pulling me down. I fall face first. Seth distracted the ref as I was pulled out of the ring. I looked. Rhonda

Several kicks and punches. Actually kicks and punches. She final backed away. Seth slid out, picking me up and rolling me back in.
1, 2, -
Kick out. He yelled out. "Come on! That was three!" He yelled at the ref. I pulled myself into the corner and propped myself up on the ropes. Seth started to argued with the ref.

I felt a hard cold metal hit my head. Rhonda... Seth pulled me to the center.
Kick out.
"Oh my god!" Seth got up and went to the ropes. He stood waiting in the corner for to get up. I started to. he's going for a curb stomp.

He went for it. I quickly moved and rolled out of the ring, but right into Rhonda. Another blow to the head. I waited for a ding. The ref had to of seen it.

Nope. Seth threw me into the ring. He paraded around and saying he's won this. I laid motionless. Seth went to Rhonda and shook her hand. Then returned in the ring.

I sprung up,power bomb. I got back up. Suplex. Up again. I locked him in my submission. Seth cried in agony. The ref at our side asking if he wanted to tap. He shook his head. I pulled tighter. I caught sight of Rhonda. She looked at me with the UFC belt on her shoulder. My UFC belt. I pulled even tighter.

Before I could stand, Rhonda was in the ring. Endless punches to the head. I covered myself as much as possible. Finally, I got her off. But she returned right back on me. The ref pulled her off enough for me to stand.

She ran I me. Drop kick. I quickly rolled out getting to safety, she sprung up ready to fight.
"Come one!" She yelled at me. I held my head and started backing up to the curtain. She picked up my belts and held them high. "Come get em!" She yelled louder. I continued to walk back. I backed up into something. I turned.
Seth. He smiled and threw me back into the ring.

Endless kicks to the stomach. Some fake... others.. a bunch of refs came out and pried her off.

I was fit as to stand but only for a sec. She broke away from their hold and jumped at me. I ducked and moved away. Leaving her to land on the refs.

I grabbed the belts and quickly got to safety up the ramp. She stood smiling in the ring. I held my belts and side walking back up the ramp staring at her. The biggest smile on her face as I turned and walked through the curtain back stage.

I came to the backstage area. John waiting for me. I walked to him. "Trainers now!" "Why didn't anyone tell me she was here and interfering." He shrugged as we headed to the trainers.

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