Good News

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*Looks both ways before crawling out from under my rock with a list of announcements*


Hello my boo's and bears. ^-^ Now before you grab your knives and chainsaws to kill me for not updating like I promised and been updating other stories please here me out.

I've been going through some personal shit for the last few months and the stories I have been posting are quick ones that I've already had chapters typed up for that just needed a few extra sentences.

Well here is the news for the Yandere! Kuroko X Reader. It is getting updated this month! I actually plan on updating hopefully this weekend, or sometime next week. I also kinda want to start working on a Kuroko X Touka video. Yeah that's right.

I ship Kuroko and Touka from Tokyo Ghoul....Come at me bro....

But seriously I'm going to try and make this the best chapter I can with a nice lemon for you guys. I know the last chapter was pretty much crap since my brain turned to mush near the end, but I think I can make something out of it's ending.

Also I hope you're all excited! This book is coming to a close soon and the new sequel will hopefully begin sometime this summer, maybe even sooner! ^-^

Just giving you guys a update on what's going to happen, and thanks for sticking with me! Also be sure to comment! Comments keep the story going! ^-^



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