"What? Oh, yeah sure," Lauren shrugged. Her mind was too distracted thinking about Keana.

Lauren's POV

    The first day was pretty plain and boring except for the fact that I made a super hot new friend, Keana. Damn she was sexy. Maybe even more sexy than Camila but we'll see. I wasn't really sure about what my friends were talking about in between class periods or at lunch. I was too busy thinking about Keana thanks to little Lauren down there, as the girls call it. Her hair, eyes, body, and ass were to die for and just irresistible. And the best part was that she was bisexual.

    "Hey, Lolo," my friend Lucy called over to me. It was after school and we were in the locker room getting ready for soccer practice. I was on the team at my school for my two favorite sports, soccer and softball. I was strong and athletic, always impressing the coaches and chicks. Not to brag or anything.

    "Yo," I high-fived her.

    "First day okay?" she asked.

    "Yeah, I guess. What about you?"

    "Eh nothing special. Did you hook me up with your hot friend Sarah yet?" she smirked.

    "Dude, she already has a boyfriend and is straight as a pole. You don't wanna fuck with that," I laughed referencing my friend on the softball team's boyfriend. Lucy and I were both gay so it was nice having her close to me so we could talk about girls instead of my really close friends always swooning over boys. "Besides you should just go out with Vero," I giggled.

    "Funny," she scoffed. Veronica Iglesias (Vero) was our other friend who was bisexual. After that we went onto the field and practiced drills and played a scrimmage.

Camila's POV

    Lauren didn't notice me, but I was actually in the bleachers watching her and the soccer team practice. I always loved doing this as I did it all the time last year. Lauren just looks so hot running around and playing sports, especially in those soccer shorts. I ogled her and usually did this until my mom texted me wondering where I was. Since I was 15, I couldn't drive yet and had to ride my bike to school everyday. I usually just told my mom that I fell off or that I stayed after to help finish editing the Panther (school paper), which that excuse was more believable.

    I liked Lauren...alot. But I could never tell her since it would probably ruin our friendship. We've been best friends along with the girls since we were 7 and 8 and there's no way I'm breaking that up. She's too important to me. Along with loving to watch her play sports, I also loved watching her sing and play guitar. She had a beautiful voice that sounded like an angel. I couldn't help but subtly stare and smile at her whenever the girls and I would sing a cover. Sometimes she would even stare back and my heart would flutter with butterflies.

    My phone then rang. It was my mom. Great. "Hello?" I answered the call, bracing myself.

    "Mija, where are you?! You always did this last year. I just can't help but worry where you are," my mom lectured.

    "Mama," I groaned, "I'm fine. I'm just leaving school now. I'll be home in a little bit," I assured her. I took one last look at my beautiful crush and left to go home.

    Lauren's POV

    "Mama! I'm home!" I yelled once I stepped foot into my house.

    "Lolo! How was your first day, sweetie?" she hugged me tightly.

    "Fine," I shrugged.

    "Meet anyone new?" she asked.

    "Well...I guess I did," I smirked.

    "A girl?" she smirked back.

    "Yeah," I chuckled blushing.

    "Oooh what's her name?"

    "Keana. She just transferred."

    "Do you like her?"

    "...Maybe," I chuckled.

    "Ask her out," Clara encouraged.

    "I might. She's really pretty and nice."

    "Better get on that before someone else does."

    "Mommm," I groaned embarrassed. Mama always tried hooking me up with people.

    "I'm just messin'. I made you chicken nuggets and macaroni. It's on the table."

    "Thanks, Mama!" I ran over to the table eager to eat my dinner. I happily ate, still daydreaming about my future girlfriend. I was definitely going to make her mine.

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