Chapter 34

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2 years later

"Are you excited Michelle," Mrs. Jeon asked.
"Neh, thank you Mrs. Jeon for taking care of me for all these years," I said to her.
"Call me omma, Michelle you're getting married in 3 days."
"Neh," I replied to her.

I met up with Abby at Jimin's house. I got there and saw Abby outside on the porch. I parked the car in the driveway and went inside.

"Wow it smells good in here," I said sniffing around.
"Thanks, I just finished cooking. Come eat," Abby said.
"Okay, so how is it being away from Jimin," I asked her.
"Horrible, but I mean you should know what I mean, especially the one that's getting married in like 3 days."
"Yeah, since their comeback it's really just been me at home. But then there's you and Jungkook's parents."

While we were eating, I got a text message.

Aunt Liz: Hey coming to Seoul tomorrow around noon. Can you pick us up? [Recieve]
Me: Yeah. I'll come pick you up. Can't wait. [Sent]
Aunt Liz: Yeah same, my baby girl is getting married. How old are you again? [Recieved]
Me: Old enough to get married, haha. I'm 22 Liz. [Sent]
Aunt Liz: Haha funny, alright well I'll text you later.[Recieved]
Me: Alright, have a safe trip. [Sent]

Abby and I cleaned up and went shopping for Abby's maid of honor dress. We went through 4 dress stores but finally on our 5th stop we found a perfect dress. It was a beautiful blue dress. Abby went to try it on and it fit her perfectly. We bought the dress and headed to Jungkook's parents place. We arrived at the house and we saw another car in the driveway. We went inside and saw people's back turned towards us.

"Surprise!" I saw all of the guys faces. I looked to the end of the line and saw Jungkook. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. Abby did the same with Jimin. The other guys must have felt left out so they jumped into each others arms.

"Ommo[1], why are you guys here so early," I asked them.
"Why you don't want us here," Suga said about to walk out the door.
"No, no but we weren't expecting you to come till tomorrow," said Abby.
"We wanted to surprise you guys," Jin said.
"Awe..." Abby and I both said.
"Let's go to the beach," V suggested.
"Yeah let's go, I miss the beach. Come on let's go," J-Hope said.
"Okay we'll meet at Jungkook's house in an hour since his house is closer to the beach." RapMon said.
"Neh," everyone answered.

I drove Jungkook and I home. I went into my room to get my swimming suit and go put it on. I headed to the bathroom after putting my outfit on. But before I reached the door, Jungkook pulled me into his room onto his bed. He took his shirt off and jumped onto the bed. I jumped up and was about to leave but he pulled me back onto the bed and closer to him.

"You don't miss me," he pouted.
"I do but I need to get ready," I told him.
"We have an hour, just stay in bed with me for a bit." He started to caressed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back. This moment was the first time we have ever been sexual to each other. It might just have been the hormones, because we haven't seen each other in months and also knowing we were getting married in less then 3 days. Around 6 everyone started coming over. When Abby came we went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks and drinks. Once we finished, we headed to the beach. There weren't many people there so it was great. We went to the volleyball net and played a couple games. Then we all split up. Jungkook and I went our way, Jimin and Abby went there's, while J-Hope, Suga, RapMon, V, and Jin went around to fine their "true love". As Jungkook and I were walking, I saw a family playing in the waters with their little girl. I stopped walking and watched the family enjoying one another.

"What, you want a family like theirs," he smirked.
"Yes I do. I've always loved little kids. I can't wait to have one of my own Jungkook."
"Same, we'll have one of our own soon."

When it was getting late Jungkook and I headed back to where the guys were. We got there and only Jin and V was there.

"Where is everybody," Jungkook asked.
"Namjoon(RapMon), Suga and J-Hope wanted ice cream," Jin replied.
"Hey," we heard someone shouting across the beach. We turned to face the direction the voice was coming from.
"Oppa, do you remember me," this girl said to Jungkook. Excuse me bitch. Who are you calling Oppa. Who the hell is this Jungkook. I need answers.
"Oppa," V said confused.
"Neh, Jungkook was my boyfriend in high school. My name is Lee Min-Seo." I looked at Jungkook, but he didn't notice me.
"Min-Seo...I thought you moved to America," Jungkook said. Min-Seo grabbed Jungkook's hand and walked the other direction. He tried lettng go her grip but she kept grabbing his arm. I grabbed my bags and left the beach. I slammed the door to the house and went to take a shower. I finished taking a shower and went to the kitchen. As I was going, Jin was on the couch. I was so scared I fell down.

"Kwenchana," Jin asked as he helped me up.
"Neh," I replied.
"Not about the fall about Min-Seo."
"Oh that...I don't want to talk about it."
"Why didn't you grabbed Jungkook and tell her he was taken," he said.
"I just wasn't thinking okay."
"Clearly," he rolled his eyes.
"Hey what is that supposed to mean," I said getting mad.

Then someone came in the house. It was only V.

"Look outside the window," he said pointing outside. Jin and I went to the window and saw two girls fighting. I saw Jungkook grabbing one of them. I noticed Jimin there too and Abby. We went out of the house and ran to the beach. When we got there Min-Seo was held back by Jungkook and Jimin was holding on to Abby.

"What is going on here," I asked.
"Michelle, this girl here was trying to flirt with Jungkook," she said breathing hard.
"I know," I said to her.
"What! Why aren't yo taking what's yours. If it was Choon Hee you would have hit her right away," Abby said in disbelief.

"You're not korean," Min-Seo asked.
"I'm half korean but I don't speak korean much," I answered.
"Oh," she said surprised.
"Well since you understand English, GET AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK," Abby said loudly.
Jungkook let go of Min-Seo and came next to me.
"Jungkook you are dating someone already. What happen to waiting for me," Min-Seo said.
"Alright that's it," Abby said escaping from Jimin's grip. I got in her way before she got to Min-Seo.
"Min-Seo that was high school. It's been like 4-5 years. I have a girlfriend now and I'm marrying her in 2 days."
"What, your only like 20," Min-Seo.
"Yeah but when you find true love, age doesn't matter," Jungkook said.
"Mianhae...I just never thought that you would be getting married already," Min-Seo said putting her head down.
"Well believe it," Abby said loudly.

It was getting dark, so Jungkook and I headed home. He went to take a shower, while I was in my room. Jungkook came into my room and stood at the door.

"I'm not mad at you," I said still looking at my phone.
"Then why do you look so pissed off," he asked.
"Because I'm pissed of at myself. Abby was right. I should have taken you away from her and said you were mine but I didn't."
"It's okay. Everything is fine now." I looked up at him and this moment, I felt different. I never felt like this when I was with him. I'm done waiting till after the wedding. I pushed him down to my bed and took my shirt off and started kissing him. He grabbed me by the waist and was on top of me. He took his shirt of and I felt his abs. It was the most beautiful and magical night I've ever had.

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