Chapter 25

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When I woke up I didn't see Jungkook around. But I did see crutches on the floor next to the couch. I went to the bathroom to go get ready, but Abby ran to me.

"Michelle did you see this?"
"See what?"
Abby gave me her phone and it was the article Miss. Lee wrote along with other articles about what happened yesterday. After I read some articles, I got ready and went to the kitchen.
"Mrs. Jeon do you need help with anything," I asked her while I went to the sink to do the dishes.
"Oh Michelle, kwenchana[1] I will do them. You go and relax." But I didn't go into the living. I told her I'll do it and didn't take no for an answer. While I was doing the dishes, someone swept me off my feet. It was Jungkook and he didn't look to happy.
"Omma I told you to not let Michelle do anything. She needs to rest her leg."
"Jungkook I'm fine, plus your mom told me to rest but I wanted to help your mom."
"No you are not fine," he said giving me a face.
"What do you mean I'm not fine," I asked.
"I overheard you talk to Abby about your leg hurting a lot around midnight," then he stared at me for a long time. As this was going on, Abby walked in and saw us.
"Should I leave or can I stay," she joked.
"Did Michelle talk to you last night about how much her leg hurts," Jungkook asked her trying to prove he was right.
"See this is why you must not do anything for a couple days," Jungkook said feeling happy.
"Alright come eat breakfast," his mom told us. Abby and Jungkook ran into the kitchen when they heard his mom. Wow thanks guys. I grabbed the crutches and went into the kitchen. Mrs. Jeon was at the door waiting for me to enter. When I sat down, Abby and Jungkook were scarfing down their food like a bunch of pigs. Mrs. Jeon walked behind Jungkook and hit him in the back of head.
"Ouch! Omma what was that for," he said with his mouth full of food.
"You just left without helping Michelle."
"Huh..." he seemed confused. His mom slapped him again.
"Aish...omma!" Mrs. Jeon pointed at me hoping Jungkook would get it by then.
"Oh...mianhae[2] Michelle."

Mrs. Jeon gave me a plate of food and I started eating as well. After breakfast, Mrs. Jeon made Jungkook do the dishes.

"Where is Mr. Jeon," I asked.
"He had to go to work early," Mrs. Jeon replied.
"Jungkook-ah around lunch time I'm making your dad's favorite meal, can you and Michelle bring it to him at his office," she said to me and Jungkook.
"Neh," we both answered.
"Abby do you want to come with us," Jungkook asked.
"No its okay, Jimin's taking me somewhere for our 5 month anniversary," she said in a happy tone.
"Chukahae[4]," we all said to Abby.
"Kam sa ham nida[3]," Abby said as she went back to her room and get ready for her date.

Around noon, Jungkook came to my room and helped me to the kitchen. We helped his mom with packing the food. She made extra, so we ate first before we left. She made fried mandu and gimbap. When we finished Jungkook and I left to his dad's workplace. As we arrived Jungkook went out first and grabbed my crutches. He opened the door and we headed inside. One of the secretary ladies showed us the way to the office. Mr. Jeon was still in a meeting, so we waited outside his office. About 5 minutes later, he came back to his office.

"Jungkook, Michelle what are you guys doing here." I showed him the lunchbox and he got excited. He gave me a hug then gave Jungkook one. He took us into his office and opened his lunchbox. When he saw his food he made those dramatic moves where he almost fell of his chair. He offered some to us but we declined.
"How's work appa? You seem very tired," Jungkook asked a little worried.
"Work is okay. It's getting busier and busier by the day," he told us.
"Kwenchana," I asked him also worried.
"Neh...kwenchana. Especially now because I have food haha." We all laughed.
"What's making your classes so busy now," Jungkook asked.
"Well all of a sudden, so many students wants to take English and there's only 2 professors that teaches that subject. Mr. Dokgo and I, so now we have extra classes. Tell your mom I'll be coming home late."
"Neh," Jungkook replied.
"Well Michelle and I have to go appa, we will see you later."

Jungkook and I went to a park to enjoy the weather. But I knew Jungkook was feeling himself today. I grabbed his hand and took him to a bench. Jungkook laid down and rested his head on my legs.

"Are you okay Jungkook?"
"Ehh, I'm just worried for my dad that's all."
"Yeah same. It's okay he's a strong person. Soon enough he will get some rest."
"Yeah hopefully," he said as he started falling asleep. I kissed his forehead and whispered to him,
"It'll be okay."

Jungkook slept for 10 minutes until I tried waking him up. He wouldn't wake up so I grabbed my water bottle and pour a little bit of water on his head. He woke up and fell but landed on the ground. If I could walk I would've ran but I couldn't, so I stayed in my seat and looked away. He looked back at me and then grabbed me. He twirled me around and kissed me. He gave me a ride on his back and we walked around the park then back to the car.

"Should we go eat somewhere," Jungkook asked.
"Anio...your omma is home alone. Let's go stay with her."
"Yeah, kaja[5]."

[1]I'm okay
[2] Sorry
[3]Thank you
[4] Congratulation
[5] Let's go

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