Chapter 11. ( Faith )

Start from the beginning

'Maria cane to me. She told me she discovered a very powerful secret. She wouldn't tell me more, just that I needed to look for a child and that the child could give her more than enough power to end the wars and rule over the populated areas forever. She didn't tell me much, but I was not stupid. I guessed that she knew this from Aro and that the only reason he accompanied his guard was to look for the child himself. If he was desperate enough to leave the safety of his city, this child was really something special.

He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Edward read that he found it hard to tell this correctly.

'I can't tell you how this made me feel. I saw her power dazed eyes and for the very first time I was able to look at Maria and see her for whom she really was. I realized that she was never going to stop and that nothing would be enough for her. She was willing to do anything, even use a child, to get what she wanted. I would be forever at her side, fighting her battles, until she would kill me, just as she did with everybody else. With as useful now, but if I gained too much power, I knew she could easily dispose of me. Maria searched obsessively for the child and I watched her. Somehow, this knowledge changed me. I saw a flicker of light and my depression broke. When Peter returned I was finally able to let go of my former life and leave with him. I never understood why I found the courage to leave, but now I do. Peter gave me the opportunity, but knowing about the child gave me courage to start a new life. Knowing that there was something else, something other than meaningless battles, something worthy of fighting for, made me strong enough. I promised myself that if I was ever going to find the child I would never let Maria or anyone else near her.'

His expression became determinant.

'In a way, she saved my life.'

They were all silent, staring blindly, lost in thoughts.

'My new life was all I ever wanted. I became distracted and tried to put a large gap between this life and my life with Maria. U didn't realize Bella was the child, until Eleazar told us. He knew more about the child than I did, but I think I closed my eyes for what was obvious. Now that I know, I cannot understand why I didn't see immediately.' He shook his head disapprovingly.

'I wondered a lot of things about Bella, but I was never expected she was this child. What I do eBay to emphasize is that our troubles are great. Nobody of our world can ever find out about Bella or we will have a lot more than the Volturi to worry about.' Jasper finished his story.

'Do you think this means Bella has no parents? That she didn't exist before you found her in the forest?' Rise asked quietly. 'It would explain why she doesn't remember and why no one is looking for her.'

Edward shook his head.

'In the forest she asked me to call her Bella just like her mother did because she trust me. I still think she selectively lost her memory. She doesn't know less about the world around her than any other three-year-old.'

Edward is right. Carlisle thought, but he didn't speak his thoughts, letting Alice speak instead.

'What concerns me is that for a so-called powerful child that is listed after by many vampires, she seems so breakable.... She is so innocent.' Her voice died down with her last words. Her thoughts were extremely worried.

'She is just a child, but her gifts are showing.' Carlisle spoke seriously. 'Think about her ability to block both Edward and Eleazar and he strange ability to know thing without anyone telling her. I think she is going to surprise us many times before we fully understand her. She may look like a normal child, but we cannot ignore she is more.'

What does it matter?

Edward's head jerked up in the direction of that thought. Esme's eyes were soft and tender.

'Does it really matter what she is or what she can do?' Everybody was staring at Esme. 'We are all strange in our own way and we all have our quirks. The only important thing is that Bella means something to us. 'Her eyes grew big with emotion. 'We love her and isn't that the only thing that matters?'

The room was silent after Esme's speech, but it was not silent for Edward.

Absolutely! I so don't care what kind of freak our squirt is! Emmett.

We should not underestimate the child's importance. I'm affairs we are not enough to protect her. Carlisle.

If we fail to protect this child, the consequences could be disastrous and not only for our family. Jasper.

We will have to be extremely careful. I have to watch out for Maria as well as Aro. Alice.

Of course we love her, but I'm worried about the dog that crossed Edward's path. What if he knows something? Rosalie.

They decided to be careful, but there wasn't much they could do besides living without attracting attention. They were already doing that to the fullest if their ability. Their meeting ended and after a lot of worrying Edward decided to watch Bella sleep. He did that every time her felt restless, it always calmed him. She was sleeping dreamlessly with a peaceful expression. He was happy that at least one person was free from worry and he was going to do everything in his power to keep it that was for as long as he could.

The next day Bella was at school. Esme and Rosalie were taking the women of the Denali's shopping, Eleazar was wandering somewhere on his own, Carlisle was at work and Jasper and Emmett were hunting. Alice and Edward were the only ones in the house. They wanted to pick Bella up from school. Alice liked picking up Bella even more than shopping and Edward just couldn't let Bella out of his sight longer than was completely necessary. They were in different rooms, Edward was playing the piano and Alice was working on a fashion project in her study. He wasn't focussed on her thoughts, until he heard her piercing scream.


Edward was up before he knew it. Her scream could only mean one thing and it scared him so much he couldn't breathe.

Edward! Bella's future just went blank!

The fear and panic that followed overwhelmed him. For a moment he couldn't move. Alice was at his side and ripped him from his panic.

'We have to get to her school right now!' She screamed in his ear.

It was enough to shake him lose. They were on their way in record time.

So this is the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy reading. So I will updated another chapter tomorrow.


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