"We can start with this one," Zayn suggested, handing me my copy of The Breakfast Club.

"How about we watch all of these? It would be nice, just to have a movie day," Liam eyes wandered around the room, asking for approval. 

I thought it was an excellent idea actually. "I'm up for it!" I answered cheerfully, which made his face brighten up a bit. 

"I'm cool with it, as long as we involve food!" I swear that's all Niall thought of, food. I chuckled in agreement with him, everyone else seemed alright with idea. 

"Okay, so someone start the movie, I'll get Irish boy's food." Niall smiled widely, he was so easily pleased. 


A yawned escaped my mouth as we finished our third movie, 500 days of summer. I couldn't help but feel bad, I mostly had chosen chick flicks. 

"Sorry my selection kind of sucks," I plopped the next disc in, really excited about this movie, even if I had watched it a million times. 

"It's totally fine, love," Niall assured me, while still munching away on some chips. I giggled at his crumb-covered face, he could easily make me smile. 

"This is my all time favorite movie!" I blurted, a little bit too excited. 

The menu finally popped up, showing young John Travolta's hot self. I just love Grease, it's a musical, how could anyone not love it?

"Is this seriously your favorite movie?" Harry asked curiously, I just nodded my head in response, a bit embarrassed. 

"No way, it's my favorite too!" I felt my heart beat 10 times faster, I could totally just start fan girling with him right now, but I remained my cool. 

"It's a classic, how can someone hate it?" Zayn commented, he was absolutely right! 

"I love musicals!" Louis announced, all the way from the other side of the couch. 

"I second that," Liam said cheerfully, I guessed I wasn't the only one that loved this movie. 

"Yeah, I love Sandy, she's beautiful, well not as beautiful as you Rae." My cheeks felt hot, I was 100% sure they were burnt red. How could Niall even think about comparing me to Olivia Newton-John, I mean she's a freaking legend and well I'm not. 

"That's so not true, Olivia is way more gorgeous than I am," but before Niall could even open his mouth to speak, the movie had began and like I said before our movie marathon started, no talking once the movie starts.


I found myself singing along, as I always do when I watch Grease. I don't think the boys mind at all, even if I set up that whole no talking rule. I was beside Harry, and I could slightly hear him humming along, it made me smile at the thought that I wasn't the only one who sung along during movies. 

Suddenly like it was on cue, both Liam and Harry yawned, stretching their arms out in opposites directions. I felt both their arms around my shoulder, mostly Liam's, but I was pretty sure Harry's was there too. It was kind of odd that both of them did it at the same time, but it didn't bother much because they seemed to do it a lot. 

A loud thud came from behind me, I guess one them hit the wall from stretching. "Ow, Li-" "You okay, Harry?" I turned to face Harry's green eyes, both showing pain. 

"Yeah, just hit my hand." Without even asking, I gently grabbed his hand. Examining the little blister that formed on his knuckles. "You have to be more careful," I said, not even caring how much of my mother I was sounding. I ran my fingers on his knuckles, attempting to sooth the pain. I finally pressed my lips against it, because I always thought kissing the pain away worked. 

"Feel better?" I questioned smiling at his flushed face. 

"Yeah, loads better," His green eyes sparkled at me, I could just stare at him for hours. 

"Ahem, no talking while the movie is on!" Zayn's voice had a bit of annoyance in it, but I suppose he was right, I did make up the rule after all.


Credits began to roll again, Grease was over. I rummaged through the stack, looking for the next movie to put in. 

"Hey Rae, am I like Danny Zuko now?" Louis ran his hands on the sides of his hair, acting like he was putting grease on it, oh Louis. 

"Yeah definitely!" I giggled, he was such a weirdo. 

I inserted the next movie, watching the trailers roll by. "I'm just gonna go to bathroom, you can start it if you want."

I headed straight to the bathroom, emptying my bladder. Why did I have to drink so much orange soda? 

My hands ran under the cold water, washing away all the soapy suds. Quickly drying them off, I turned the knob of the bathroom door, only to hit the other person behind it. 

"Oh gosh, sorry!" I apologized, looking at the red mark on his pale forehead. 

He rubbed it carefully, but still smiled at me. "It's alright, love!" I ran my thumb against the mark, it looked fine, but I still felt horrible. 

"Listen…" He said softly, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow, just you and me? If that's okay with you." Hmmm, Sunday, no I had no plans. 

"Oh yeah sure, that would be fun!" He smiled even wider, wasn't he a cutie. 

"Great! C'mon let's go back to the movie!" He grabbed my wrist, dragging me back to the game room before I could even say a word. 

I just laughed at his eagerness, oh this boy. 

"Niall, did you get more chips?" Liam shouted, as we got back. 

He rubbed the back of his neck, he probably finished the ones I put out "Uh, no, I got Rae though!"

The rest of us chuckled, yeah I think Sunday would be a interesting day with this little leprechaun. 

She's MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora