"If you're afraid of elevators, you should take the stairs," the man said with a low voice. "Not everyone appreciates being bumped into, even if it is by a pretty lady."

The voice, oh god, even the voice was the same. The elevator came to a halt and when the doors opened, she stumbled into the room. The man strolled past her and started to walk down the narrow corridor, created by two long rows of green partitioned cubicles.

Okay, she was going insane. First, she saw him at a club that she and Melissa had gone to a week earlier and now here. How could she be imagining Aidan everywhere? She wasn't that crazy.

Doctors had told her that occasionally people suffer hallucinations after losing a loved one because they are in denial. She'd seen him in the coffin, being lowered into the ground. Damn it, she was at his funeral. Who knew better than her that the father of her babies was dead? She had asked the doctors why it was happening now, and not back then. They kept saying everyone was different, or that there was a part of her that needed closure.

Surely, it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her? He neared the end of the corridor and stopped to speak with one of her colleagues. How can you bump into a hallucination? She needed another look and started down the corridor after him, only to be stopped by her Supervisor, Dan.

"You're late," he said coolly, tapping on his watch.

"I'm so sorry. I went to bed early, but was so tired I slept through my alarm." Tears sprung up in her eyes. Darn hormones, she thought to herself.

He looked down at her belly and understanding dawned in his eyes. "Do you need more time off? If we're working you too hard, I can always get someone to fill in an extra day or two a week."

"I'm fine, really. Maybe I'm not getting enough iron or something. Did you find the papers I left on your desk last night?" She attempted to change the subject.

"Yes, thank you. I do need you to find the company's complete personnel file though. Mr. Richards' grandson has taken over for him and decided to work out of this office for now. He wants to make a few personnel rotations. He's brought in some of his own people."

She looked around. The place didn't really look like it needed changing, but then she hadn't been back for overly long. "He doesn't plan to fire anyone, does he?" she asked, biting on her bottom lip.

Dan chuckled. "Don't worry. I wouldn't let anything happen to my favorite assistant."

"I really am grateful for my old job back, especially after all these years." She rested her hand on his forearm.

"Don't mention it." Dan glanced down at his watch. "But better hurry up with those files though. The meeting is about to start."

Laryssa approached the filing cabinets that lined the wall, south of the elevator. Melissa must have heard her approach and looked up from her desk, eyeing her intently.

"Everything okay, you look pale?" her friend asked.

Trust Melissa to notice. She had too good of an eye sometimes. "I'll tell you about it later. If I don't find the personnel file, in like one second, Dan will have my hide." Laryssa pulled open the drawer marked with a P and raced through the files. "Ahaa, here it is. Catch you later."

With unsteady feet and a heart that wouldn't slow down, she made her way to the conference room. She stood at the door, her hand resting on the doorknob, when she heard his voice again. The familiar sound sent a snake-like shiver down her spine.

Gathering her courage, she opened the door. Her mind was not prepared for what she saw in front of her. There, at the head of the table, stood her worst nightmare. Her newly found freedom ceased to exist at that moment.

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