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Okay, I don't know who's reading this but I have another chapter ready to upload. Good news for you, but it's kind of made me question if there's something wrong with me. I might take this story down. I love it. It's very moving. But I feel like I have a problem for writing it, it's so grotesque and violent and just plain BAD. I know it's just a role, a story, something that's not real but it came from my head. Is all this shit marking me as a bad person? I need opinions on this because that next chapter is not going up without thoughts. Real thought. Not just "OMG you're a fuxked up person" or "no leave it up". Please, I feel... wrong. I don't like this feeling. This might be the end of Laura, unless there are people out there who really care for the story and I don't even know what I want but I can't just keep going without questioning myself. What the hell is this shit?

Please comment with what you think. There's a lot of action in the next chapter but I can't put it up just yet. And I don't know how I managed to put up some of the last chapters. This is one of those books where I am just wondering WHAT IF MY MOTHER OR LITTLE SISTER READ THIS. Do I want to keep going on a book where I have a hard time allowing people I know to read it?

Any opinion is a good one. Please comment.

The money, drugs, and temptation - my life on the bad sideWhere stories live. Discover now