Ch. One: Wait What?

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Abby's Pov
I floated up into the air to my way to heaven. All was going fine until green smoke swilled around me. I went from floating up to stand in the middle of a room. I then thought that I might not be able to go to heaven since I killed myself. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm begging you, let me go to heaven, let me be with my parents." I said pleadingly. People laughed. "My dear, you will go to heaven when the time for you to die comes. But you must return back to earth." A woman said. I turned and saw a woman in a green dress with branches, flowers, and leaves on it was the person speaking. I recognized her immediately. "You're one of the members of The Fates. You control nature." I said while pointing to her. She laugh, but not a mean laugh like my so called friends did, a kind sweet laugh. "Yes that is correct. Welcome to The Fates Discussion room." I looked around the room and see eight different people sitting in chairs. 'There was five men and four women. That means that there will be five girls and four boys next time The Fate Members are chosen.' I thought to myself. "Yes child, you are right." I look to see a man in a purple garment with mystery running through his eyes. "You can control the same mind, right? Also you can make objects move." I asked him, and he smiled. "Yes, you know about us well I see." I bowed, remembering who they are and that I could possibly not go to heaven if I disrespect them. "Yes sir." Laugher came alive again through the room. I shirked back in case they would say something bad. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you." A woman with a gown with many different types of blues said. She controlled water. "We wouldn't hurt anyone if it doesn't have a good reason behind it. We just need you to do something not only for us but for a whole generation."

Everyone looked at me like I should know what they were talking about. "I don't understand." I said confused. A man sighed. "Well there is no easy way to put this, but you are one of the next members of The Fates." He said. I was shocked. "W-what?!?" I chocked. I looked at the man. He was wearing different animal print skins. He is the Shapeshifter. He sighed again. "I said you-" I cut him off. "I know what you said, it's just, I'm not good enough to be one of The Fates. I also have no powers." I said looking around the room. A man laughed. "But you do, it just hasn't surfaced yet. We had to lock it inside of you until your eighteenth birthday. Which I believe is in two weeks." I looked at the man that was talking. He was wearing all black. Controller of darkness and dreams. I slowly put the pieces together. "So I have to stay here, until my eighteenth birthday, then I'll unlock my powers and return to earth?" I guessed. "No dear but close. You will train here after your powers are unlocked. Then after two weeks, you shall return to earth." A woman in white garment said. Controller of light and hope. I sure could use that right now. "Oh, well I really would love to do it. Buuuuuuuuut, I am not the best person for the job sooooo, can't you repick a name out of some hat and let me be free in heaven? You can even erase my memory of this if you want."

The room was silent and I was hoping that they would listen to me and do it, but luck wasn't on my side. "We do not pick the names randomly. The people are already chosen by magic, and no one, not even all of us together, can change that. You must do this or the entire world will crash." A man with an outfit entirely out of red, orange, and yellow said. The Fate with fire powers. "Besides, you won't be alone. There will be eight other people to help you. All the presser won't be pressed on your shoulders alone so you don't have to worry." A man said. He was wearing light blue and white so he must be the controller of air. I sighed. "I guess I really have no choice, do I?" Yeses were heard all around the room. "Now since your birthday is in two weeks and you have nothing really to do here expect wait around, we can be with your family for awhile." A women in all white said. She must be the controller of ice and snow. "I c-can be with my family again?" I asked scared that they might change their minds. "Of course, they're waiting for you right now actually. We knew this would happen so we let them know. The teleporter is over there. The day after your party we will come and get you to train." I felt tears coming. "Thank you so much." I said before running to the teleporter. I heard someone laugh lightly but I didn't care. I can finally see them again. Sparks flew around me until that was all I could see. Then after a few seconds the sparks disappeared. I stepped off of the telepad and looked around. I was in a living room much like my old house.

"Abby?" A voice said. I knew who it was even before I saw them. "Mom?" I said turning to face her and my dad. "Pumpkin, we missed you so much." I jumped into their arms. "I miss you guys too." We held each other for a moment. "What's going on in here? Abby?" I turned to see my grandmother looking at us shocked. "Grammy." I said running to her and hugging her. "I thought you were kidding Jacob when you said that she'll be here." I hugged my Grammy for a few more seconds thinking of something. "Does everybody live here?" I asked. "Yes and no. Everybody can live here if they want, but we also have other smaller houses if we want some peace and quiet. But I imagine that we will all stay here to see you before you go back." "Wait? If you here, then how did you die?" My Grammy asked. "Yeah hoe did you die? The Fates didn't tell us. All they said was that you would be here and have to return to earth to live your life." I sighed. "Wellllllllllll, it's a loooong story."

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