Prologue: How it Happened

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Abby's Pov:
I ran out of the school with tears streaming down my face. When she said that to me, I snapped. I couldn't continue on anymore. My best friend hates me and told me to save everyone the trouble and just kill my self, so I'll listen to her. Today I will finally be free of this pain. I stayed here for her, she was the only reason why I didn't leave yet. She gave me hope, she was my light in darkness, but I suppose that all lights have to burn out eventually. I ran to my house and grabbed paper and a pen and started to write my final words to everyone.:
To Everyone,
I can't take anymore of this. I know that I don't have magical powers, but I'm not worthless and just because I get good grades doesn't mean I am a nerd. Words hurt people, even if you were only kidding. Why did you hurt me so much? Why put more pain on me than I already had? I wanted to leave, but I stayed for you Emma. You gave me hope, but turns out you're like the rest of them. I will complete your wish Emma. By the time you're reading this, if you read it at all, I'll be dead. I hope you have a good life. I know will be happy.
~Abby Smith

I blew the whistle for the delivery owl to come down. I gave him the note and told him the address to the school. After the owl left I took the picture of my dead parents. They did two years ago in a car crash. A year later I found out I have no powers. I walked outside of my house and looked at my home. I smiled weakly when I remember the happy memories I had there. I ran to the bridge as fast as I could while thinking of all of the good things that happen in my life. Once I reached the bridge I looked at the picture of my parents and jumped off. Then I plugged into the river and didn't come up for air. A bright flash of light appeared and shot into the sky. My soul flew up into the heavens. I looked down at my body and saw one thing that stood out, the huge smile on my face.

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