Swears and Second Thoughts

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"I swear to Bob that's all that happened."

" You were gone for four freaking hours! No one just talks for four hours." Well maybe we went for drinks after, but no one else needs to know.

"I told you, after our talk, we ate and then I went to the store."

"Well then, if you went to the store, where's the food?"

"In the fridge already."

"Did you get my blue Popsicles?"

"Yes." And with that she raced off around the corner leaving me in the middle of the living room. I swear sometimes it's really hard dealing with her. I need more friends. 

'You also need a shower.' Ugh, shut up. But honestly, I did. Thus began the treacherous hike up the stairs to my room. As soon as I stepped into my door, my phone began to ring.

' You got me puttin' time in, time in

Nobody got me feelin' this way...'

I practically ran and jumped my bed to get to my phone. Nobody calls me at this time of day so it must be important. Looking at the caller ID I noticed my momma's picture. I answered because hey, when is my momma's calls not important?*insert sarcasm*


'Darlin', is this you?'

'Yes momma. Is there anything you need?'

'Thank God! Do you know I called your phone about a thousand times girl?!' I looked at my phone to see only one missed call. Typical.

' Momma, I was in the middle of something and I'd love if you could just tell me what's wrong.'

'Oh yeah!!! Girl, I knew I called you for something! So, the last time you were over, did you see my remote? I just cannot find my mote control anywhere!' Cue eye roll. 

'Momma, no, I do not remember seeing your remote last time I was over. Did you seriously just call to ask where your remote was?'

'Well you can never be too cautious when it comes to those mote controls. They just end up all over the place and if you could point me to it I could've skipped a few steps.'

'Bye Momma. Love you and talk to you later.' I hung up and literally fell out backwards onto my bed. Today seems like it's been the longest day ever. I stripped out of my clothes and walked into my bathroom to run my water. After I cut the water on and pour in some bubbles, the doorbell rings. 

'Jayy, go answer the door!!!!'Ugh, today is not my day...I walked to the door not bothering with clothes. Anyone who comes over at this time deserves whatever they get.

When I finally open up the door I'm surprised to see Damon. 

"Damn. I mean, hey!" Really? That's all he can say for himself after he shows up on my doorstep? And the cocky bastard is shamelessly staring at my body, too. 

"What do you need?" I say with boredom lacing my tone. My eyes never once left his face.

"You left your earring at the restaurant."

"Okay, and you're returning it?"

"No, not exactly. The restaurant called me and I felt it my duty to inform you."

"Let me get this straight. You came all the way from hell knows where to Tell Me I left a goddamn earring at a restaurant?"

"Well, when you put it that way you make it sound foolish. But I can give you a ride if you'd like to go get it."

"No thanks, let them pawn it. I don't really think I should spend anymore time with you today." I shut the door and went back upstairs to take my much needed bath.


Ps...later like maybe tomorrow I'll come back and add some Damon POV

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