The Deal

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Damon POV

I wonder what on earth could possibly be taking this girl so long. If she's taking her time she better be gorgeous when she gets here. I know that much.

My thoughts immediately came to a close as I came eye-to-eye with the possibly most stunning woman I'd ever seen. My eyes traveled down the length of her extremely curvy body that her dress seemed to highlight well. They took a particular interest in the caramel thighs peeking dangerously from below the skirt of the dress. Her voluptuous hips and thighs were enough to make my mouth water.

As my thoughts took a more innapropriate turn, I cleared my throat and looked up to see her staring at me with equal interest.

''Uhmm. Are you just going to stand there Ms. Campbell, or will you sit down? You've already wasted enough of my time; let's not wait any longer.''

''Well, Mr. -''

''Thomas. Damon Thomas. ''

''Right. Mr. Thomas. I just came to meet you because-'' Here she goes.

''Please spare me the long speech. I know why you're here. You want money and a new name; both of which I have to offer.''

''I'd appreciate if you'd please stop cutting me off! You're such an asx! I came here because I thought we could reach a mutual agreement. Don't you dare act like I'm the only one benefiting from this. You know what? Screw this, I'm done.'

I've got to say, no one ever had the nerve to stand up to me before. Oddly enough, I liked it. Maybe she wasn't such a bad choice after all. All she needed was a push; and that's something I could gladly administer.

Push those thoughts aside, I stood up to go after her. Lucky for me she was standing at the curb on her phone. But when she saw me she took off.

'Damn. I didn't know I'd need running shoes today.'

''Wait! Wait! Jordan!'' Thankfully, by now I'd caught up and grabbed a hold on her wrist. She turned around.


''I'm sorry how I treated you. I admit, some of the things I said were out of line.''

''Just some?'' She muttered while I cut my eyes at her.

''Ughh. A lot of what I said was wrong. I'm not used to having to worry about other people's feelings. All of this is new to me. Please, just give me one more chance.'' I held my breath waiting for her rejection. But I was met with yet another surprise.

''Okay. One more chance.'' I released the breath I was holding.

'Thank you. That's all I need.'' I finally let go of her wrist and walked ahead leading us back to the restaurant.


So before you pulled a runner, we were going to discuss the details of the supposed arrangement.''

''Yeah. Again, sorry about that. I'm really unclear on the whole ordeal to be honest. Do we have to get married? How long? What do I have to do?''

''Slow down." I chuckled. ''Yes, we do have to get married. Two years is the least amount of time in order for the contract to be fulfilled. During the marriage I will take care of any and all of your needs. You will never want for anything while you're with me. Go on as many trips as you like, but you must remain faithful. At the end of the two years you will receive two million dollars and a divorce if you so desire. Do you understand?''

She visibly took in a breath, obviously going over what I'd said in her mind.

''Yes. I understand. And I'm in.''

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