Marry You

193 14 7

Damon POV

Damon walked into the cafe like he was a man on a mission. Technically, it was a mission and if it went south he'd lose everything he worked so hard for. But with those thoughts pushed aside, he walked to a table at the very back and took a seat.

Not too much later a waitress, who he identified to be Jordan, walked up to the table. Before she could get a good word out he waved his hand in the air as if to cut her off.

'' Listen, I'm not here for any of your below mediocre food. Sit. We need to talk.''

Jordan's POV

'' You got the cutie at table seven Jordan. I would take him, but I have things to do in the back.'' I knew she was lying but I didn't say anything, I just slapped a smile on my face and continued into the dining area to take his order.

Upon walking into the dining area I noticed that it wasn't just one thing she lied about. This man wasn't cute at all, he was drop dead sexy. I nearly fell flat on my face three times before I reached his table. But his appeal was completely gone once he opened his mouth to speak. It wasn't even necessarily what he said, it was how he approached the topic that left me standing there in shock. He was a complete ass!

'' Well are you just going to stand there all day or will you eventually do as I told you to do.''

What I wanted to tell him was to shove his orders up his ass, but instead, I just said '' Sorry. Yes sir.'' What he said next completely shocked me though...'' He was right. You have no fucking backbone. Maybe you aren't cut out for this.''

''Excuse me sir, I don't know who you are but I can tell you right now that-'' The words died on my lips as he decided to cut me off, again. '' What? Were you gonna say that you actually do have a backbone? Because last time I checked, you let a complete stranger come in and tell you what the fvck to do. Now if you'd finally close your mouth, we can get down to business.''

My mouth, of its own accord, closed.

'' Thanks. Now for what I was trying to tell you. We're getting married."



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