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It had been hours since she had went to sleep, hours since Felix had told her he would do fine on his own and only 30 minutes after the encounter with... with that thing. A part of him understood now why the people that had been here had discouraged Avian from saving Felix, who wouldn't if those things were just lurking about. From what he could gather, these things seemed to understand basic human actions more than one could realize, imitating the action of knocking on a door and even understanding someone would most likely answer. His only question now was how in the hell did she and all the others on this planet manage to survive this long without getting eaten.

The sound of footsteps approaching snapped Felix from his thoughts, eyes focusing on the hall as the armored girl appeared once again; looking much more awake and alert than she had previously. Once she glanced at Felix, however, she stopped and noticed the obvious distress he held.

"Is...something wrong?" The question came out as if she didn't know, although when he really thought about it he realized she wouldn't.

"Yes. Could you kindly explain to me what the fuck those.... creatures out there are?" His words came out more hostile than he had originally intended however it seemed to get his point across because not only was she concerned, she seemed pissed in a sense.

"You went outside? What the hell is wrong with you!"

"Nothing! What, was I supposed to expect a gigantic mutant mutt attacking me when I went outside or did I just miss that entry in the pamphlet about this planet?" His previous trips hadn't required him to walk through the tunnels on foot- the heavily armored buses transporting them from the surface to the cities kept Felix and the rest of the people on board not only safe but blissfully unaware as to what lurked outside. Now that he knew those things were out and about, the heavy armor didn't seem that unnecessary. 

The woman seemed to deflate slightly before letting out a sigh, shaking her head before leaning back against a steel wall. "I suppose not, but what were you planning to do once out there? There's nothing in the tunnels that can be offered... nothing but dirt for miles in either direction."

When she put it that way, it made him slightly question his reasoning for wanting to open the door in the first place. It was a stupid move, yes, but a stupid move he was willing to defend with even stupider logic. "Is it bad to want some fresh air every once and a while?"

She raised an eyebrow under her visor and looked at him as if he had said something absolutely ridiculous, which in hindsight he knew he did. She didn't even have to say anything for him to understand what she intended to say. "Alright- I heard someone, or in this case something, knocking and went to go answer the door."

She heaved another sigh before rubbing the palms of her hands against her eyes, a frustrated noise escaping her before she took a deep breath and looked at him. "You weren't hurt in the process of it attacking you, yes?"

"My Ego is damaged but that's about it."

"Well, then just don't do it again." It seemed at that she was going to go elsewhere, but he was not letting her leave that easily, especially since he now had questions he figured he could answer.

"Hey, you think you could, y'know, tell me if there's anything else lurking about I should be worried about? Or is it just those mutts."

"We call them Crawlers. But from what we can tell, they're all that's in the tunnels."

The statement caught him a bit off guard, but it was soon replaced with a mixture of surprise and disgust. What, were they just too lazy to go see what else was out there? "From what you can tell? The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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