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Humming- faint to the ears but audible none the less, was heard throughout the pelican as a signal of calm amongst the men. Their trip had lasted god knows how long, and they were only minutes away from entering the planet's ungodly atmosphere. Felix couldn't say he enjoyed the bare planet, but for the need that planet held for trouble, he couldn't say he was displeased with the place. Being so far off the UNSC's grid meant for tedious amounts of mischief and illegal doings- and the mercenary couldn't help but smile at the profit one could gain from doing mercenary work in the place. The more trouble the planet brought, the more money he would earn for clearing said trouble up. Ah, the mercenary life was a cruel but easy task when sent to the right places.

While most were discomforted by the warning that they were entering the planet's atmosphere and told to strap in, Felix could care less as he did as told; he almost made the mistake last time he entered the atmosphere, and he planned on not doing it again. He rested his head back against the small but frim cushion meant to supply some rest for one's head, starring at the roof of the cockpit as the ship began to shake from the planets gravity pulling it in, along with the storms he knew must've started. His ears picked up the faintest of whispering from the pilots' station, and when he glanced over, he noticed the man in the driver seat seemed extremely nervous. The storms had started. Felix only sighed at the thought of the ship possibly crashing and him stumbling into one of the few caves, only to be eaten by Tunnel Crawlers upon entry.

The thought wasn't pleasant, but he did his best to suppress it. The ship shook more violently as he felt the weight of gravity pull even him into his seat, causing a few of the men to asked questions in a panicked state. Was this normal for the planets entry? Are you sure it's safe to enter the planet now? Will we live? The questions they would speak would never be returned with an answer, for even Felix didn't know at this point. He didn't know if entering the planet amidst the planet's raging storms, he didn't know if this was normal or if they would live, but he was trying his best to-

The ship lurched as something had inevitably made contact with the left wing, causing the warning sirens to blare into everyone's ears and the red warning lights to begin flashing. The pilot was obviously trying his best to keep the ship under control, but as Felix closed his eyes and relaxed his body, he knew this wouldn't end well. After a brief minute of falling, the craft crashed on to the ground, the thundering crash almost completely destroying the Pelican as most everyone on board slipped into an unconscious state.

"And you really expected me to leave them out there? To die? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Look I understand you thought this was right but-"

"There are not buts! They needed help, they needed to re-enter the planet and their ship didn't even stand a chance against the storm, then tell me of their incoming ship and not expect me to go save them when we hear their ship crash? You're insane."

Felix blinked a few times as voices flooded his senses, his ears ringing faintly from the impact as his face scrunched in confusion before he allowed himself to slowly open his eyes. Above him, the ceiling shimmered brilliantly, the steel wall's that accompanied the same metal roof in the small room he was apparently placed in. He groaned softly as he slowly pushed himself into a seated position, noticing the door to his temporary hospital room open with lights shining in. the voices that had seemingly been arguing had ceased when he groaned, the female voice he had heard scolding the other piping up to break the silence.

"I think they're awake."

"Go check on him then, but I want nothing to do with the outsider."

"Then why are you still here?"

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