4- So that's the Reason

Start from the beginning

Once we were seated in Axels car, we now were of to go to a park, because it's a beautiful day today, and why not enjoy it?

"So..umm.."Is started to ask Axel a question, but couldn't find the right words to say.

"Yeah?" Axel asked

"In a month were going on a trip with my kindergarten group. I know it is still far. But umm... I was wondering if you'd like to come and help out of looking out for kids, but if you don't want to or have other plans to do, I totally understand." I said, little bit nervously.

"I've loved to come with." Axel said

"Really? Wow. I thought you'd say no. Thank you." I said

"No problem. And look were here, at the park. I have a blanket in the bck of the car. Can you take Mia out of the car seat, while I get the blanket?" Axel asked.

"Umm...why we are at the park again?" I asked.

"I thought that we talked about coming to the park. Didn't we?" Axel asked with a smirk on his face.

"I kind of don't remember that, but I think that's a great idea." I said with a small smile on my lips.

"That's the spirit." Axel said and got out of the car.

I did too. And took Mia out of her car seat.

We both got out of the car, he went to get the blanket, and I Mia.

I opened the door and saw Mia with a huge smile on her face

"Are you excited to go and play?" I asked Mia, while opening the seat belt.

"Yes!!" Mia answered, but mostly yelling.

"Mia don't yell, please?" Axel came back with a blanket in his hand.

Once Mia was out of the car and the car door closed, she quickly gave her left hand to me and right one to Axel. And yelled

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

And that's what she did.

We found a nice spot under the tree and the playground wasn't that far from were we're seated. So we can keep an eye on Mia.

Mia went of running to play to other kids, and in that time me and Axel took a seat on the blanket.

"So.." Axel started.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask you were we're going with the kids." Axel asked.

"We're going to the Zoo and a museum, but for kids. The museum is first, and after that is the Zoo." I answered his question.

"Aahh. And between that we're going to eat lunch. You can never forget food." I finished with a smile on my face.

"That sounds nice. I haven't been to the Zoo in a really long time. Maybe when I was 16? I don't remember.." Axel said.

"Wait? What! How old are you again?" I asked while keeping myself from laughing

"I'm 27 the last time I checked... And why is it so funny that I haven't been to the Zoo in 11 years?" Axel said.

"Ohh. But don't you have kids to take to the Zoo? Like take Mia there or I don't know.." I asked curiously .

"I haven't thought about that..." Axel said whit thinking in his eyes.

"Well what's stopping you?" I asked.

"Nobody. May I ask how many siblings do you have?" Axel asked.

"Absolutely not. I have two sisters. There both younger than me. You already met Olivia, and she's 20 years old. And her boyfriends name is Jefry, and he's 22 years old. And my youngest sisters name is Emma and she is 7. Then there is my two brothers, there twins and there 25 years old. Ones name is Tim and he's married to Samantha, she's also expecting a baby girl in 3 months. And then there is Samuel, my brother you met before. He has two kids, one boy, who's 3 years old, and there also expecting a baby girl in 5 months. And his wifes name is Eva. Basically I have a big family." I finished telling him about my siblings.

"Wow. That's a lot. So your quite a big family?" Axel said teasingly

"I actually want a big family too. My own family, with 4 kids. I want to experience motherhood, but I can't." I finished.

All of sudden Axel said

"Why can't you experience motherhood? Are you sick?" Axel asked praticly scared.

"Of course NOT. I just haven't met the right person to build the family, not at least yet. Maybe I actually have." I said while staring in Axels eyes.

Our eye-to-eye moment was distracted by voice that belonged to Mia.

"A! A!. I meade a new friend!!! His name is John. He's really nice!" Mia said, while pointing her finger to the boy, who looke, maybe 5 years old.

"That's great. But Mia we have to get going because I promised to take you home before dinner so you dad wouldn't be mad at me...again. okay?" Axel said.

"Pleaseee I want to play more!!" Mia whined.

"We can come back to the park some other time. What do you say about that?" I asked Mia. So her parents aren't mad.

"Okay." Mia said with a small smile on her face.

Axel putted the blanket back together, while I held Mia's hand, so she wouldn't run away from us.

I sneezed. Ohh noo! This only happens when I'm getting a cold. This isn't good.

"Bless you! And Ashly, why a sad face? Beautiful woman like you should only smile." Axel said.

And it made me smile really big.

"Okay. I think I have everything I need. We can go and get in the car." Axel said.

So once we were in the car we took of.


Axel droped me of at my building and we said our goodbyes, and he took of.

I went up to my apartment and just relaxed the rest of the day with a good old cup of tea and watching TV, but who am I kidding, I only had one particular face in my mind.

***Axel's POV***

Once I dropped Ashley at her apartment building I was driving Mia back to her home.

"So Mia, what did you like the most from this day?" I asked Mia.

"I liked that I made a new friend, and that Ashly was there too. She's reawlly prwetty." Mia said with a small smile on her face.

"So you like Ashly?" I asked her.

"Yes! She's awesome with us, kids. She sings to us too, when it's time for bed at the kindergarten." Mia said.

"Well your not the only one who likes her." I said, but more to myself.

"What did you say?" Mia asked.

"Nothing Mia. Look were here. I will take you in." I said, while getting out of the car an getting Mia out of her car seat.

Once I dropped Mia off, I went to my apartment.

It felt so lonely, I wish someone would be here with me. But that feeling went away when Ashly popped in my mind.

She's just so beautiful and kindhearted. She has this amazing personality, I like her already even though I know her only for few days.

I just needed to stop thinking about her right now, or els I will go crazy, but not that crazy.

So I took a shower and since I already ate my dinner already I brushed my teeth and slipped on my PJ bottos, and since I like to sleep shirtless, I do so.

I fell asleep really quickly and only one particular persons beautiful smile, that brought peace in me.

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