A Death Sentence

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Henry snorted, "It's just, he's my Dad and he's known about me for so long and he never visited me, except when he branded me, like cattle. Don't tell me you aren't the slightest but angry that you only found out now."

"I guess I am," Rae said, "But I have lived my whole life without a real father, and now I have that chance, so I'm going to take it."

Henry just shook his head and started eating his breakfast.

"Fine Henry, then you can sulk by yourself," Rae said getting up and walking away.

Rae looked around at all the gods and goddesses that were working. She finally saw Athena, she was helping to build another cabin, this one, like all the others, was made of dark wood and nothing else, it actually was quite boring.

Rae walked over to where Athena was, "Can I help?"

Athena turned around, she looked at Rae silently, her eyes or expressions giving nothing away.

"Ha! You? Help? Your a pathetic mortal! A girl even!"

Athena shook her head and sighed as a muscular man wearing a red t-shirt came out from the other side of the cabin.

Rae clenched her fists, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, your a mortal girl and you can't help."

"Who says?"

"Why obviously me! I am the God of War!"

"Ares, of course," Rae muttered angrily under her breath.

Athena rolled her eyes, "Come on Rae, you can help me."

Rae shot a nasty look at Ares, who had opened his mouth to say something, and walked over to Athena, following her over to get some more wood. Rae was well aware of Ares staring after them.

Athena picked up a log from the pile, it was big enough to make up the wall of the cabin. Rae tried the same but didn't exactly have godly strength.

She helped Athena with building the cabin, mostly hammering planks in, until her arms felt like wet noodles. She sat down on the ground.

"You okay?" Athena asked, she showed no signs of effort, just boredom.

"Just a little tired," Rae replied.

"Well my shift is over so I'm going to get dinner," Athena said starting to walk away.

Dinner? What about lunch! Rae thought crossly to herself as she went to the food tent she had been at earlier.

As she got to the tent she could smell steak and mashed potatoes cooking. She grabbed a plate and got a flank steak and mashed potatoes. Hera and Hestia were still cooking more when she sat down at a corner table.

She ate her steak in silence. After a while Henry sat down at the table with her. He was covered in dirt and sweat.

"What were you doing today?" Rae asked.

"I had to help expand the farm," Henry said leaning back in the chair.

"Expand it? Why? Isn't there an unlimited supply with Demeter being here?" Rae asked.

"That's what I thought too, but the Gods are apparently going to build the place then most of them are heading back to Olympus."

"Who's leaving?"

"Well they didn't exactly hand me a list."

"Fine, I'll just ask Athena," Rae said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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