I Go To Camp

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"Wow" Rae said. There was nothing else to say. She heard Henry behind her let out a low whistle.
Around them they were surrounded by huge sleds being pulled by horses, people were pulling carrying things and building ginormous cabins. Two woman were bent over in a field of crops. People were eating at a makeshift tent. At first glance it looked normal. Rae blinked.
She then realized the horses pulling the big sleds had wings. One of the woman would grow the crops fully and then she would swipe again and they would be harvested in baskets. The other woman would scoop baskets up and put them in sleds pulled by horses with horns. As Rae looked she noticed a man with a beard and purple eyes finish his meal and then swipe his hand and his plate was full again.
Two men approached Rae and Henry. One was wearing a green T- Shirt with Capri shorts, he had blonde hair and sea green eyes, his hair was blonde with gray accents, he had a curly beard. He was a medium figure with calloused hands. The other had a faded yellow 1987 Rolling Stones shirt in a gold color and cargo pants, his hair was a curly brown, he was thin and slightly shorter than the other guy.
Hey! It's your Dad!, Brontes neighed he tried to surge towards the man with the beard and blue eyes but his harness restrained him.
Rae leaped off, Henry following her lead. She unfastened Brontes belt loop letting him free of his load. Brontes immediately went to the guy in the green shirt.
Suddenly, Rae realized who the guy in the green shirt was.
"Dad?" she said. Poseidon smiled warmly at Rae.
"Hello Rae, so good to finally meet you in person." Poseidon said cheerfully, his teeth as white as, pearls, huh, how fitting. He gestured towards the other man. "This is Apollo, I'm sure you've heard of him?" Behind Rae, Henry made a choking noise.
"Hello Henry." Apollo said smiling.
"Where are we?" Henry asked.
Apollo's face fell, he suddenly became very interested in his leather strapped sandals.
"Camp Zeus" Poseidon answered.
"What kind of camp is this?" Rae asked
"Ah, well, a camp for demigods." Apollo said irritated.
"Cool." Henry said half heartedly.
Rae glanced between Apollo and Henry raising her eyebrow. Henry shook his head slightly begging her not to ask questions. Rae relented. She shot him a look, warning him they would talk later.
"We weren't expecting you two to make it this early so forgive us for not having the buildings finished." Poseidon said,
"Well, can't you just make everything finished with like a snap of your fingers?" Rae asked curious.
"This ones funny!" Apollo said. "No, we are currently trying to limit our use of magic so we don't attract monsters. Hecate is still trying to create a monster barrier around camp."
"Oh." Rae said. "But what about over there?" she pointed to the two women harvesting crops.
"Oh, that's Demeter and Persephone. The seeds are planted and they just choose to grow because of Demeter's present. That's just willpower." Poseidon explained.
"So, where can we stay for the time being?" Henry asked. Poseidon's smile faded as he considered Henry.
"Well, my daughter will be staying in the girl tent. You will be in the boy tent." Poseidon said, Henry noticed the way he emphasized daughter. He got the message. He shifted uncomfortably, his face turning red.
"Girl tent? There are others here?" Rae asked.
"No." Apollo said.
"Then I get the tent to myself?" Rae asked questioningly.
"No." Poseidon and Apollo said in unison.
"Well then who will I be staying with?" Rae asked.
"Well the goddesses of course!" Poseidon said exasperated.
Henry burst out laughing.
Apollo looked at him oddly. "What's so funny? You get to stay with the gods."
Rae stifled a laugh. Poseidon cleared his throat. Glancing at the sun sinking. Rae followed his gaze. She frowned.
"How does that work Apollo?" she said pointing at the sun.
"What?" he said.
"The sun, I thought you carried it across with your chariot." she said crossing her arms.
"Auto-pilot. Duh." Apollo said spinning around on his heels. "You two might want to settle into your cabins." He said over his shoulder.
Poseidon, Rae, and Henry all grabbed a share of the bags and hauled them to where the two tents were situated. They dropped the bags in between the two tents. After quickly sifting through the bags, Rae carried hers to the girl tent. Apollo had gone back to building along with Poseidon while Henry had carried his things into the boys tent. She quickly was bombarded by a tall lady with curly brown hair that flowed down her shoulders. She was wearing a dark green shirt with black jeans. Her hair was held back with a small peacock patterned head band. Rae dropped her bags when the women bumped into her.
"Oh my! I am so sorry!" the lady said quickly stooping down to pick up the bags. "I'm so clumsy!"
"Oh,um, it's okay." Rae said squatting down to pick up the rest of her bags. The women handed her the rest of her bags.
"I'm Hera." The woman held out her hand and Rae shook it.
"I'm Rae." Rae said smiling. "Wait, Hera, as in Queen of the Gods Hera, as in Zeus' wife?"
"That would be me. Goddess of marriage and family. Let me help you carry these inside." she said taking some of Rae's bags. Rae pushed through the tent flaps. She found rows and rows of beds. Only a few were occupied. She noticed some were personalized. One was gray and it looked like an army cot, another had a fluffy pink bedspread with a fancy headrest and a canopy top that made it look like it was made for a princess. Rae noticed a bedside table next to it that had magazines on it and a lot of beauty products. The one closest to Rae was dark green with a gold headrest that had a peacock topping it. Rae noticed the blanket had faint crowns on it. Hera nodded toward it.
"That's' my bed. I would have just settle for a simple dark green bed but Zeus insisted." she said smiling. "Yours will be towards the back." Rae followed Hera towards the gray bed.
"Thank you." Rae said setting her bags down on her bed. "Whose bed is this?" she nodded towards the gray cot.
"Oh, that's Athena's bed." Hera said. "Well, I need to go help with the cabins so I will leave you to settle in. Bye!" Hera turned and walked towards the tent flap. She pushed her way out as Rae turned back toward her bed and sighed putting her hands on her hips.

Rae went through her bags opening them up and looking in. A bedside table was next to her bed so she opened the drawers finding them empty. She pulled out her few clothes she brought and folded them. She put them into the top drawer. She successfully emptied one bag. She put the bag on the foot of her bed. She moved onto the next bag which had some money in it and snacks. She put the snacks into the middle drawer along with the money that she made sure was carefully hidden in the back corner of the drawer. She put in her Greek Mythology book from her mom on top of it. She pulled out her necklace that she had put on the bottom of the bag. She put the necklace on around her neck and clipped it on. Another bag empty, she thought. Moving on to the last bag, she pulled out her blanket and pillow that she had packed.
Her pillow was white and filled with memory foam. She laid it at the head of her bed. She pulled out her blanket and laid it on her bed. It was a teal color that she loved. Rae flopped onto the bed. On Athena's bedside table was a clock. It read 6 pm. Rae looked up and noticed that women were beginning to return to their beds. Rae opened her middle drawer and pulled out her Greek mythology book and a granola bar. She opened the granola bar and opened the book to the first chapter, Greek Gods and Goddesses. She began reading and eating her granola bar.
"So, your my new neighbor?" a light voice asked.
Rae jumped dropping her book. She looked up to see a woman with dark brown hair that was braided back. She was dressed simple, wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt. But her eyes were a striking gray.
"I'm Athena." the woman said. She tilted her head slightly. "Sorry, it was not wise of me to be so quiet with my approach."
"Oh, it's okay, and yes I guess I am your new neighbor. I'm Rae." Rae said putting her granola bar wrapper onto her bedside table. Rae creased her brow. "Aren't you the Greek Goddess of wisdom ? How can you be unwise?"
At this Athena smiled and tilted her head, "Why, even the Gods make mistakes."
Rae raised her eyebrow more.
"I think your eyebrow is trying to fly away." Athena said holding in a laugh.
Rae's eyebrow shot back down. Her face turned red.
A woman with curled black hair that was pulled into a neat ponytail that flowed between her shoulder blades sashayed towards the pink canopy bed. She was wearing sunglasses, a pink shirt, short cut off jeans, and tennis shoes that were bright pink with doves on the side of them. She seemed to have a pink tint following around her. Rae could also smell perfume from where she was, it wasn't too strong, just enough to where she could smell it from a distance but not enough to where it burned her internally to smell it.
The woman made her way to the canopy bed where she put her sunglasses on the bedside table. Rae noticed the pink aura disappeared. She then saw Rae and Athena and walked across the aisle of beds and addressed Rae.
"Who are you, Darling?" her voice seemed to have a French accent. Rae recognized it from her French teacher at school. She had striking green eyes that popped against her tan skins.
"Uh.. I'm Rae." Rae cleared her throat subtly, she looked up brushing away a loose strand of her blonde hair. "And you are?"
The woman smiled. Her teeth were so brightly white that Rae had to force herself not to look away. She noticed her teeth were in perfect alignment also. She suddenly felt the need to help this lady.
"Why me? I am Aphrodite." she said with a slight giggle. Rae hated giggles. She no longer wanted to help her.
"Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty." Rae recalled.
Athena's eyes glimmered with interest, "So, I take it you know a bit about Greek Mythology?"
"Well, I guess, my Mom gave me this book," Rae held up her Greek Mythology book, "when I was little and we would always read it together. I didn't get why but it was fun. I guess now I understand why." Rae smiled nervously.
"Hmm," Athena studied Rae carefully, like a lion about to eat a tasty meal.
"Pah. Forget about the book. You are in desperate need of a makeover! Poseidon never was very fashionable and it seems you took after your father." Aphrodite cut in. "I take it your sleeping here?" she patted Rae's bed. Rae nodded.
"Oh goody!" Aphrodite clapped excitedly. "It will be like a sleepover! We'll have so much fun!" Rae had the feeling Aphrodite wanted something from Rae, she didn't know what and she didn't really think about it. She pushed the thought away.
"Um, I don't really - ." Rae trailed off. Aphrodite cut her off as she ran back to her bunk pulling things out for the sleepover. Rae noticed maybe 12 doves flying around helping her. She looked at Athena and mouthed the word 'help'. Athena looked between Aphrodite and Rae. She considered Rae again, thinking that Rae was in for a whole lot of trouble. She cleared her throat.
"Say, Aphrodite," she started glancing at Rae and then turning to Aphrodite. "Do you think I could also be part of your sleepover?"
Aphrodite sprang around and looked at Athena gasping. "Of course! All the goddesses will be invited! We do all sleep in the same place." Aphrodite squealed excitedly and turned back to pulling things out of her bedside table.
"Well, looks like we're in this together now, Rae" Athena whispered to Rae, winking.

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