A Mystery

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Rae woke up when she heard Athena closing her drawers on her bedside table. She sat up groggily and rubbed her eyes.
"What time is it?" she whispered.
"0700" Athena said.
Rae groaned, "Not military please?"
"7:00 am" Athena replied, "Are you coming?"
Rae crawled out of bed, "I'll find you in a bit."
Athena nodded and then left.
A few minutes after Rae left she got ready and left the tent. The sun was rising. Rae headed over to a wooden building. As she got closer she noticed it was a stable. She heard a high pitched whinny that sounded friendly.
Rae followed the noise to a beautiful pegasi that was pure black with a curly mane. Suddenly Rae heard a whizzing and a zap. She turned around to find herself staring right at Brontes.
"Good morning buddy!" Rae said.
Brontes lifted his head in indignation, I am not your buddy!
Rae reached out and ruffled his mane. Immediately after she ruffled it, his mane reformed and electricity arched towards her and zapped her nose.
"Ow!" Rae exclaimed rubbing her nose.
Brontes raised his head high and trotted outside smugly.
"Why you!" Rae angrily stomped outside after Brontes.
Suddenly Rae heard a whistle. Brontes pricked his ears at the sound and slowly headed towards the sound with his head low and his ears pinned. Rae knew something was wrong, Rae looked closely at Brontes' body language, he was scared. Rae narrowed her eyes.
The source of the noise was a man with a brown beard and short brown hair. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans. What is with Gods and jeans, Rae thought.
"You are?" the man asked in a deep booming voice, he had an arrogant tone that annoyed Rae.
Rae raised her head and straightened up, "I am Rae Thompson, Daughter of Poseidon, and you are?" she asked.
"I am Zeus! King of the-" Zeus boasted in his deep booming voice.
"Yeah, I know who you are know, no need to boast about all your titles." Rae said cutting him off and rolling her eyes.
Brontes looked uneasy, he tossed his head and pawed at the ground, his eyes swirled a light gray, like a cloudy day when its windy.
Zeus opened his mouth about to say something but Rae cut him off again, "I know all about your almighty power, very threatening," she reassured mockingly, "But I also know about your many affairs, and nothing justifies that." Zeus was about to say something, but Rae held up her finger, "Nothing" she emphasized.
Brontes then looked at Zeus, then Rae. After a moments hesitation he snorted and galloped towards Rae, noticeably kicking up quite a bit of dust towards Zeus.
Let's get out of here! Brontes whinnied as he ran past Rae. Rae followed him back through the stables. Suddenly all the pegasi in the stables starting whinnying happily and pounding their stall doors.
In Rae's head she heard praises from the pegasi,
Thank you!
Someone said it!
Rae smiled and walked out of the stables. The pegasi soon quieted down as Rae got farther.
Rae turned to Brontes. She thought in her mind a question and focused on Brontes.
Get out of my head! I'm only allowed in yours!
Not anymore, Rae thought smugly.
What did Zeus do?
Brontes sighed and stomped his foot. He treats all creatures unfairly, he beats us if we do not obey him. Being King of the Gods, no one challenges him, ever. Brontes lowered his head.
Rae shook her head gently and put her hand on his neck. She felt a small shock but nothing that hurt too much.
I'm sorry.
Brontes suddenly straightened up and snorted. He briskly trotted away from Rae with no second glance. She noticed he was heading towards some other horses that were resting. It was refreshing to see some normal horses. Suddenly they started shocking each other. She then remembered how Brontes had first appeared to her, as a normal horse.
Rae shook her head defeated and sighed. She then turned around and saw Henry.
"Henry!" she called, she started walking towards him. He looked like he just woke up.
"Oh hey Rae." he said blinking sleep from his eyes. His hair was flattened on the side he had slept on. He was wearing a loose gray t-shirt and sweatpants, his pajamas. He yawned.
"How long have you been up?" he asked.
"Since 7." Rae replied.
"Why so early?" he asked.
"Athena woke me up." Rae said, "Never thought I would say that."
"How was that?" Henry asked.
"Aphrodite threw a sleepover." Rae said with a laugh.
"I had to sleep next to Dionysus, the God of Wine and Madness." Henry said, "He kept me up almost all night."
"Oh you poor thing." said Rae mockingly.
Henry grinned still groggy, "Yeah, well I have to go get dressed. See you around."
"Yeah, I'm gonna go eat." Rae said.
Rae and Henry then went their separate ways. Rae headed towards the place where she had seen the people eating yesterday.
As Rae got closer she could smell eggs, bacon, pancakes, and french toast cooking. She saw in the back corner Hera cooking with another woman that looked a lot like Hera except she had black eyes.
Rae quickly went through her list of goddesses. Hestia! Hera's sister, goddess of hearth and home. One of her colors of power were black. She was wearing a fire print blouse with silver leggings, she also had a necklace with a purple gemstone, amethyst.
As Rae got closer she noticed a table covered with various breakfast foods. She grabbed a plate and a knife and a fork. She then scooped up scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. She sat down at a table by herself and started to eat.
"Hades can't control them much longer."
Rae stopped mid-chew, Zeus. Gods I hate that guy, Rae thought.
"I know," Poseidon. "We have to figure something out."
"We already have one." Zeus said.
"No! We are not sending them in. I know Apollo and I do not agree, and quite a few others." Poseidon sounded panicked.
What? Rae thought.
"We will talk about this later." Zeus said. Zeus then walked around the corner and into the pavilion. Rae went back to her meal.
Zeus headed over to talk to Hera. A few moments later Poseidon walked in. He jumped slightly when he saw Rae, after a moments hesitation he continued walking.
Rae sat there confused. As Poseidon walked out Henry walked in. He grabbed a plate with some sunny side up eggs and toast then headed towards Rae
"Hey." Henry said cheerfully.
"Hey," Rae said distractedly looking past Henry where Poseidon had went.
Henry furrowed his brow, "What?"
"I'll tell you later." she said, "But right now you owe me answers. What was that thing with Apollo yesterday?"

Quests from the Gods: Daughter of Poseidonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें