I Ride the Wind

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(This picture is when Brontes is really angry, sometimes his eyes will have lightning streak out of them when he is really angry)

Rae sat up with a start. She rubbed her eyes groggily. She was now in her bed. How did I get here? she thought. She yawned. She then remembered her dream. Her hands went to her neck. Nothing. She sighed, I must be going crazy. She got a glimpse of something glimmering with her backpacks. In the corner of her room. They looked like they were packed. She reached down and pulled it out. Sure enough it was the necklace. She flopped back onto her pillow. She heard floorboards creaking, she sat up alert. She pushed the sea shell and the necklace became a bronze sword something told her it was called celestial bronze and that it wouldn't hurt normal people. Huh, she sighed, I used to think I was normal.
Rae peeked out her door into the kitchen. She saw a boy with his back turned to her. He had shaggy caramel brown hair, jeans and a purple sweatshirt that looked a little big on him. He had a backpack over his shoulder it looked like he was waiting. Rae walked out willing her sword to shrink back to a necklace in her hand. Handy, she thought.
"Henry! How did you get in here!" Rae said.
"The door was unlocked." Henry said, he was fiddling with a bronze stick in his hand.
"Henry you wouldn't believe me. I just had the weirdest dr-" Rae started then she noticed Henry's expression. He had this same expression before games, during tests, when they studied together, when he had been listening to Rae talk about Paul.
Henry looked up at her. "It's real."
Rae suddenly felt like she was going to get sick. "How do you know? It could just be" Rae trailed off. No. It couldn't be anything else.
Henry cleared his throat and got up. He gently took the necklace Rae had forgotten she was holding. He pushed the shell. It became a sword. He smiled and lifted up the stick he had been playing with. He put his right hand around the middle and held it up. It grew and bent until it was a huge bow. A string shot out and connected to the bottom. A quiver full of arrows appeared on his back. He lowered the bow. And smiled at Rae sheepishly.
"I know because it's happened to me too. My Dad, my mom said he died but- but, it's kinda of impossible. He's immortal, Rae my Dad is a god too." Henry said. He showed Rae his arm. A curvy u-shape was burned on Henry's right arm. It had strings in it making it look like an instrument. "It's a lyre. Dad made it official last night. He did this to me. He had spoken to me before telling me who I was. My Dad is Apollo, God of the Sun, Music, Archery, and Prophecy. He told me about you it's just we were friends and I didn't want to scare you and I don't know. I should have told you sooner."
"You knew? You knew who I was all this time and you didn't tell me?" Rae said outraged.
"Rae, I-" Henry started, he sighed, "I'm sorry, it wasn't my secret to keep. It's just you were already having a hard time with Paul and your Mom, I just didn't want to put anything else on you. I-"
"What do we do?" Rae's had softened expression softened and all the anger had melted from Rae's eyes.
"Leave, now." Henry said.
"Well since I'm not crazy there is someone you should meet." Rae led Henry out the back door not making eye contact. Rae whistled, "Here Brontes!" even she wasn't expecting what came out of the shed. It was a gray horse with a curly mane. No, not a curly mane. More like cloudy. As Brontes got closer Rae noticed he was crackling with energy and shocking the grass where his hooves hit. His eyes were an ever changing gray like storm clouds. Rae later figured out that they were the color of his mood. Right now they were light gray.
"A storm spirit!" Rae exclaimed.
"How do you know?" Henry asked raising his eyebrows.
"Books." Rae said shrugging.
Okay, yay, now I need to take you somewhere so if you would kindly grab your things we should really be going. Brontes whinnied annoyed.
"Agreed, I have an idea." Rae said a twinkle in her eyes. "Henry, get the backpacks out of my room and whatever you need." Henry nodded and went back inside.
Rae headed towards the shed. There was some things she would need there. She found the old wheelbarrow and wheeled it over. She found some twine that she kept in the back of the shed. Or used too. Paul had cleaned it out years ago. Rae had used the back box behind it that was supposed to be for gardening to keep tools. She also grabbed scissors that she kept handy in there.
Rae wheeled the wheelbarrow over to Brontes where he was nibbling grass. He turned his head towards Rae with his ears pricked with curiously. Lightning flashed between them.
"Brontes, trust me." Rae said. She grabbed the twine and fixed a bridle for Brontes. I don't know if you know this but I am free spirit and this, does not feel free.
"Well of course it doesn't, it's called a bridle, it is meant to make it easier to restrain a horse." Rae said continuing to work.
RESTRAIN?!?! Brontes exclaimed stomping his hoof in outrage. How da-
"Oh be quiet before I tell my Dad."
Brontes snorted and rubbed the twine with his front leg.
Rae kneeled next to the wheelbarrow and tied the twine around the handles. Rae then ran inside and got two of Pauls belts. She tied the ends in knots to make a loop. She put it over Brontes head. Brontes flicked his ears in apprehension but only stomped his foot. Rae picked up the twine. She looped the twine over the handles of the wheel barrow where she had stretched twine. She tied the ends to the left and right side the belt loop she had made. Rae stepped back satisfied. She pulled the knots all again to tighten them. Rae leaped into Brontes and waited.
Finally, Henry came out side carrying four backpacks. Rae was sitting on Brontes back running her fingers through his mane, literally through, it really was a cloud. He didn't seem bothered by it he was content to graze on Rae's overgrown grass. She looked up.
"What do you think?" she asked grinning.
Henry dumped the backpacks into the wheelbarrow, "I think your a genius." he said grinning. She scooted farther up onto Brontes' back leaving room so Henry could get on. He put Rae's necklace on her. He slipped his bronze stick into his pocket.
"Okay, so..." Henry started.
"Brontes knows where to go." Rae said. "So hold on." Rae leaned forward putting her hands in Brontes mane and grabbing the reins to the bridle she had made. Henry put his arms around her and leaned forward too.
Brontes started galloping and it was like everything disappeared. The world around them started blurring and then the world was just black around them. And then they had arrived in a grassy clearing.

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