Chapter 1 - We got things started

Start from the beginning

Shelbey didn't stop furiously stomping around the room, repeatedly running her hands through the wild mass of tangled blond curls on her head.

Seeing the unchanged expression on her friends face, Shelbey clutched the necklace she always wore around her neck. Because her friend just refused to see her point, she let out a more than frustrated sigh and collapsed back onto the bed where she buried her face in her hands and remained still.

Alysia carefully scooted over so she could reach out and hesistantly touch her friends back.
"Shelb, nothing is going to change. Everything is just going to stay how it is. They are going to be the same entitled, popular people thinking they're the shit and we are gonna ignore them like we always do."

While trying her best to calm her friend down, Alysia remembered the night that had her friend freaking out so much. She didn't know how Tyler had even ended up talking to her since they didn't ever even have a conversation before - the fact that he was friends with the most dispiseable person in school whom had spent years of her life trying to make Alysia's a living hell prevented all sorts of contact.

Nonetheless that night they'd interacted with each other; not that they'd done much of talking in the time after that first approach.

Alysia still remembered that it had been a long time since she'd enjoyed herself so much during sex with someone - the guy clearly knew what he was doing and the fact that he was really hot also helped.

If she thought about that night, she could still remember how it felt to run her hands over the hard muscles in his upper body under the soft skin, she still knew how well the friction of the slightly calloused skin of his hands had felt roaming all of her body, she recollected his throaty groan when she'd tugged at his hair and had pressed herself closer to him, could still feel the spark of electricity between them...

She quickly shook her head to clear her mind in order to avoid Shelbey catching her with these kind of thoughts.

A long silence followed before Shelbey's muffled voice came through the pillow she was clutching to her face in frustration.

"Why? Why him?"

Alysia sighed and rolled her chocolate brown eyes that were framed by a thick black eyeliner line and long, dark lashes but her voice was calm and comforting:

"Look, Shelb, as I said, we were drunk. And you have to admit, he's hot."

Shelbey merely scoffed at that but Alysia knew she had to agree. Nevermind that she hadn't actually been that drunk and neither had he. Sure, she'd a few cocktails but she could hold her liquor and she'd merely been tipsy. Shelbey would calm down sooner if she thought this "lack of judgement" had resulted from intoxication.

"So one thing led to another and..." she trailed off.

They truly hadn't needed many words - it had been clear what the other had wanted, not much conversation necessary.

It was silent again and Shelbey finally heaved a deep sigh, sat up straight and tried putting her hair back into the ponytail it had originally been.

While she fought with the strands of blonde hair, she continuously glared at her friend.

"And still, I can't help but be repulsed. I mean, he is one of the biggest idiots and male sluts ever no matter how good he might look. Point is, he is full of himself, a manwhore, incredibly arrogant, stupid and bad. He fights and he takes drugs and..."

"Shelb!" Alysia interrupted, slowly but steadily getting annoyed with her friend. Not only was she more than aware of Shelbey's opinion of Tyler but she also knew that these accusations were based merely on rumours - and stereotypes and snap judgement based on public shit-talking was something she despised, no matter who it was about.

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