x. jovian

369 33 15

Elle expected to see the open arms of the open road as they drove with the windows down. She expected to feel the wind brush through her hair as the sun crashed down and reflected on their shades. She expected to have funky stops by a few gas stations on the way for some smoothies or ice cream. Her expectations were high enough by the road trips you see in tumblr that makes you wish that you were one of them, and here was an opportunity to do it. To fulfill every girl's dream: to drive cross country in a sweet car with a freaking hot guy that was giving the sun a run for its damn money.

But there was just one problem. She fell asleep through the entire thing.

She just suddenly started stirring awake when she heard the smooth sound of the engine stop followed by an annoyingly incessant series of disturbances that rapidly pulled her out of her sleep. "Elle? You awake?" She didn't even have time to focus on what he was saying, since his hand was shaking her by her shoulders left and right as her neck tilted with her body. Elle definitely tried to ignore it and shake it off, but she was soon left with no other choice but to open her eyes.

Everything was the exact opposite of her expectations. The windows were kind of tinted and rolled up. The air conditioner was blasting at them with full force as it submerged them into the grasp of the illusion of the north pole. There was a steaming cup of hot coffee in the cup holder. The only thing that was exciting was the banner that was hung above them that read East Coast Music Festival, and it actually made her forget about all the let downs and put a smile on her face.

"So, anything in particular that I should be expecting?" Elle asked as she leaned back on her seat and unbuckled her seat belt. There were a lot of precautions that she should run through her head one more time before plunging herself back into his out-of-this-world charm. She didn't want to give him another ego boost, but she also really wanted to look at him and internally squeal. It's just that the combination of beautiful eyes with sexy body and gorgeous everything was the general weakness of the female population, and Elle was definitely no exception to that fact.

"Well, there will obviously be music. Very loud. There may be a lot of horny teenagers who will be doing things that will go against your values. And finally, I am one hundred and thirty percent sure that there will be the widest variety of alcohol and booze you have ever seen in your life." He raised a finger with every mention of each, and Elle rolled her eyes. He was clearly implying that she was living as a saint.

After sharing a look, they finally got out of the car and what she saw was like a more exclusive and a more hardcore version of what she was expecting from this. There were already bands blasting through the giant speakers. People were walking in the festival excitedly. Suddenly, she felt more comfortable in her attire. Elle wore a simple black and white striped shirt with some denim shorts with some native looking sandals. And maybe it was the excitement or the adrenaline, but she soon jumped up and down before gathering enough girl courage to grab Jack's hand and pull him along as she ran as fast as she could into the festival.

There was a maze of booths and stands in front of them. Some were selling different types of food, and some were just offering games for the small attention span victims. There was also enough space to fit a surprising amount of rides. It was like no festival she has ever been too, and that just added onto the excitement factor. Clearly, they stopped by a majority of them, and Elle had a whole puff of cotton candy in one hand by the time they came out of the maze, while her other hand was settled by Jack's elbow who had a corn dog and a soda.

"We have to ride that ." Jack smiled determinedly as he looked up to the sky. Elle followed and looked for what has caught his attention, and she almost choked on the colored sugar that was in her mouth. He wanted to ride the most rambunctious roller coaster she has ever laid her eyes on. It had five consecutive loops followed by a dramatic drop down. The fear was creeping onto her, and the screams of those who were currently riding it in the background were not helping.

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