Confidence Embraced

Start from the beginning

     "We take Tas out of the water and see what happens. Simple" Skye replied.

     "Simple? I must weigh a ton now. How is that supposed to work?" I asked.

     "We are conveniently on the training grounds that hold the largest variety of powers in history to date so how hard will it be to find someone with superhuman strength?" Ventros mused as he turned to run down the steps to the cafeteria where people still ate breakfast unaware of the event that just occurred. "I'll be right back!" Ventros called leaving Skye and I alone. 

     "You know Tas... You're tail really is like no other I've ever researched. It really is beautiful." Skye uttered, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as he peered down at his feet.  

     "Is it really?" I asked, genuinely surprised and intrigued by his comment. I started to swim to the center of the large pool.

     "Yes. In fact many fish would be jealous of your tail if of course they had intellectual thoughts and could comprehend their own existence. Your tail's shape and colors are beyond what exists in the oceans. Comparing it to it's look alone obviously." Skye rambled on.

     "I don't know what to say. To be honest with you I am terrified of what's to happen with my legs but.. I LOVE this!" I exclaimed diving into the water. 

     I dove to the bottom taking easy breaths below the surface and leisurely swam around. I decided to test out some other movements and I was twirling from one end of the pool to the other. Movement from outside of the tank caught my eye and I pressed my webbed hands against the strong glass as I watched Ventros come back with two students. A short girl with her black hair in a braid revealing her delicate long face and plump lips walked alongside a taller tanned guy who's hair was buzzed short; his smooth features turned towards Ventros who spoke animatedly pointing towards me. Their eyes immediately widened and I gave them a shy smile and swam to the surface.

     "-did that come from?"  I caught the girl saying as they ascended the stairs. I was holding onto the ledge by Skye's legs as he spoke to the others.

     "We don't know how her powers exist but they must be connected to her blue glow. We know as much as the next person." Skye stated, arms crossed.

    Ventros knelt down beside me again , strands of his shoulder length chestnut hair escaping it's ponytail.  "ALRIGHTY Taseaya. We got Landar and Seata here to help ya. Do you think you could sit on the ledge here or do you need help  for that too?" He asked , brown eyes twinkling in anticipation. 

     "I'll try. Just a second." I said and attempted to push myself out of the water by straightening my arms. I came close to twisting my body around to sit but the lack of weightlessness of the water caused me to shake and slip right back in.

     "Here let me help." Skye said as he extended his arms out and wrapped them around my waist as I attempted the same feat. This time however I used my control over the water to build it up around my tail to propel me forwards. Both Skye's aid and my powers got me over and I sat down lifting my tail to lay alongside the pool's edge. 

     " I hoped you would be able to make it out here on your own.. I don't have time to dry myself out before training this morning if I fell in!" Seata joked, eyes twinkling with her smile. 

     "Just carry her down these steps is all you want right Ventros?" Landar asked as he stared at my scales.

     "Yup! Let's get going! If everyone else gets here before Taseaya here grows her legs back then they'll be staring at her just like you're doing Landar; this isn't a circus." Ventros laughed making a miniature elephant balancing on a ball float by our heads. 

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