Chapter 2: A House Party - and no, not in Gryffindor

Start from the beginning

That should keep them occupied for a while.

I turn to face them. “Stay down here and don’t come upstairs.”

“Fine,” Luna shrugs, flopping onto the couch and turning on the TV. “You can go now,” she dismisses me with a wave.

I roll my eyes at her. Once upstairs, I lock the door so no one can go in ... or get out, before going upstairs to shower and change.

I shower then set up the stereo -- that’s the thing about parties, people bring their own food and booze.

Just in case people forget to bring any liquor, I pull out the bottles of whiskey, vodka, tequila, scotch and rum that Dad always ‘locks away’ in his liquor cabinet. You’d be surprised how well that old hairpin trick from those Looney Tunes cartoons actually works.

I have an eight-year-old brother and a seven-year-old sister. I’m bound to catch a few cartoons every once in awhile. Don’t judge.

The doorbell first rings at six o’clock and after that, more people walk in through the door. Soon the house is packed to the brink with sweaty teens, the music so loud that it’s making the walls shake. People are dancing -- or more like dry humping -- to Lil Wayne then Ke$ha and whatever other songs are in the party playlist someone put up earlier.

A lot more people are hanging out by the pool. Babes are walking around in their bikinis and guys have stripped down to their boxers.

I smirk at one girl -- a redhead in a bright pink bikini. She returns it with a flirtatious smile. I would’ve banged her if she wasn’t lacking in the chest department.

Who knows? Maybe I already have.

“You never change, do you?” a voice asks from behind me.

Turning around, I smirk. “You bet your ass I don’t.”

Finn smiles slightly and we do the half-handshake-half-hug thing.

There’s one word that I use for Finn Wallace: He’s a fucker -- but the only fucker I could actually stand to be around. The only reason we get along so well is because we’re a bit alike in one way or another.

We’re both man whores -- sure he’s not as awesome as me but the dude really tries. We both don’t do commitment and we’re both attractive mofo’s -- but again, me more so than Finn.

He’s also my right hand man. No one gets babes like we do.

“So who’s your conquest of the night, Wood?” he asks, lazily sipping from the can of beer in his hand. He leans against the wall I’m standing by.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” I smirk.

“Ah, yes, who doesn’t know of Oliver Wood’s one night stands?”

“Exactly,” I say with a grin. Just then there’s a high pitched squeal and I’m attacked by a whir of blonde hair.

“Oliver!” a girl screeches -- and I thought Luna was bad -- “Baby, why didn’t you call me?” Her hands are squeezing my cheeks and she’s looking at me with wide blue eyes.

I’m trying to place a name but I’m drawing up blank. Who the fuck is she and why is she touching my face?

I unlatch her talons -- hands -- and move back a little. I can now give her a good look and not just get quick glimpses of her blue eyes, blonde hair and petite figure. The only thing I can think of is that she may just be a cheerleader -- a very deranged and delusional cheerleader.

Who is wrapping her arms around me at this very moment.

“Who the fuck are you?” I ask bluntly, trying to slip out of her iron grip.

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