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"We are at the panadería? Porqué?" I ask.

"Holy shit. Did you just ask why in Spanish?" Calum asks surprised.

"I may or may not have practiced my Spanish while you were gone."

"That's awesome princesa!"

"By the way you're my príncipe." I say.

He blushes.

"Let's just go inside."

When we go inside I see a Michael with blue hair.

"Hey Michael. Thanks for watching the shop for me." Calum says.

"No problem but I might've ate all the bread with the sprinkles on it..." He whistles.

Then all of a sudden Ashton comes out from the back.

"What the fuck Ashton?"

He sees me and his eyes widen.

"Uh I was totally not here with Michael. He just happened to come at the same time."

"Shut up Ashton. Calum already knows , now you tell Luke."

"Let me guess y'all are dating?"

"Okay then just take the words out of my mouth." Ashton mumbles.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. I already knew you were both into each other ever since that day we all met at Hayden's."

They both blush.

"Okay well let you both get on your date. We were just watching the shop until y'all got here so have fun." Michael says then leaves.

"Wait up babe! You promised me some jack in the box damnit!" Ashton runs out.

I shake my head and laugh.

"Okay. You ready to make some pan de molde?" Calum asks.

"Oh my god. You're gonna teach me how to make bread?!" I ask with excitement.

He nods.

"Yes! Now I don't have to come here anymore because I'll know how to make my own bread!"

"That's rude now I'm not gonna teach you."

"I was just kidding my Mexican cholo."

"Do you even know what that is?"

"Nope and I don't care now let's make some bomb ass bread!"

I pull him into the back.

"Luke! You almost dropped the tray of bread on the ground." Calum flips.

"Chill out. At least I made it. I can't help my right arm is fucked up." I glare at him.

He sighs.

"True , true. Now just set it down on the table so we can eat it."

I set it down and grab a piece of bread.

"This turned out really good." I say.

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

I roll my eyes but swallow it.

"But not bad for your first time."

"Gee, thanks."

"You know Luke. You really are a princess."


"Because está bien lindo." He smiles.

"Wait. I don't know what lindo means."

"It mean beautiful. You're really beautiful."

I blush hard.

"Especially the color of your eyes. Every time I look at them they're so blue like the sea of a dream."

"Shut up Calum , quit being so fucking cheesy."

"You ruined the moment. I was trying to get somewhere."

"Sure you were."

"I was gonna ask you to be my boyfriend but never mind if you aren't gonna be like this."

"Okay fine by me. I'll just go out with your sister."

"She doesn't even go here." He says.

I laugh.

"No but in all seriousness will you be my boyfriend?"

"Me dating the The Panadero? Hmm , okay." I smile.

Calum rolls his eyes and lean forward and connects our lips and I kiss back softly.


»only one chapter left hA. Bye.



☞ Él Panadero ☞ » cakeWhere stories live. Discover now