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So , um these chapters aren't gonna be that long lol sorry but I still hope you enjoy it 🐶
Calum's P.O.V.

I get up to the sound of my alarm going off.

"Ugh. Another day at the boring ass Panadera."

You'd think its fun standing behind the damn cashier all day long or putting in trays of new bread onto the shelf but it's really not. Especially if my familia expects it to be perfect.

My sister Mali-Koa and I pretty much are there all week from 6 am till like 7pm. Us Mexican always be getting up early as hell. I'm just glad I don't have go to work on the weekends well sometimes. I only go in during the weekends of its busy but to be honest , it's kinda always is.

Anyways, I grab some navy blue boxers and go into the bathroom so I can shower.

About 25 minutes later (Who the hell takes 5 minutes to shower??) , I'm already putting on my uniform.

"Calum!! Ya estas listo?!" My mami asks.

"Yeah! I'm ready!" I say putting on my black converse and tying the laces.

I grab my phone and go downstairs.

"Took you long enough boy! We are gonna be late!"

"Mom. It's only 5:35 am."

She glares.

"You know we have to be there on time! They're waiting for us!"

I roll my eyes and head into our black expedition.

"Where's Mali?"

"She's already there. She took her car like the responsible child she is."

"Responsible my ass." I mumble.

"No mi haces a enojar Calum. Don't make me mad."

I sit back and look at the window while my mom drives there.

We arrive like 10 minutes later.

We both get out and head inside.

"Hey idiota." Mali says.

"Hey pendaja." I reply.

That resulted us to get smacked on the back of our heads.

"Quit messing with each other and start trabajando."

"Ugh. I hate working." She goes to the back to bring out a new tray of bread.

I flip the light switch on to basically tell people that the place is open and go to my place, which is behind the cashier.

Someone walks in.

I look to see a blonde hair boy and a curly haired boy.

They grab a tray and start walking around grabbing bread.

I just patiently wait.

The curly haired guy comes up to me.

"Uh, do y'all have a bathroom?"

"Yeah. It's in the back."

"Thanks." He walks back there.

Then the blonde comes up to pay.

I gotta admit, he isn't bad looking.

I grab the bread and put it into the brown bag.

"Hola, mi nombre is Calum."


I sigh.

"Hi, my name is Calum."

"Ohh! Well my name is Luke."

I weigh the brown bag with bread then place it into the grocery bag.

"Your total is $14.32."

He pulls out his wallet and hands me a credit card.

I take it and swipe it then hand it back to him.

I wait for the cash register to print out the receipt.

"Quie-- Uhm, do you want your receipt?"

"No but I do want your num-"

"Luke. You better not be telling him to hmu."

Luke is his name.

Eh, it suits him.

"Damnit Ashton! I just want someone to talk to!"

"You literally ask every guy you see for their number!"

Luke groans.

Honestly , I'm just amused. This is really entertaining considering nothing ever happens.

"Let's just go."

"Hey wait!" I say.

Luke turns back around and raises his eyebrows.

"I'll um, give you my number.." I grab a pen and rip out a piece of paper from the notepad.


Then I hand it to him.

He smiles.

"Thanks." Then he follows Ashton out the door.

"Calum! Que estas haciendo?!"

I groan.

If you have any questions, please do ask lol.

But uh, comment and vote!!



☞ Él Panadero ☞ » cakeWhere stories live. Discover now