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Calum's P.O.V.

I was putting up new trays of bread until Michael calls me.


"Hola puta!"

"You're lucky you even know that word, you wouldn't of know what it meant if it weren't my stupid sister."

"And I thank her for it."

"Anyways what the hell do you want? I'm in the middle of doing something."

"Just wanted to tell you that cute looking guy today. I'm guessing he was walking home from school."

"That's scary dude. Were you stalking him?"

"No! I just assumed considering he had a backpack on."

"He could be coming back from a friends house yanno?"

"Whatever I don't give a fuck. My point is that he's really cute but I think he's taken."


"Because I saw him walking with this weird ass blonde kid. Like damn. He had some long legs."

"Only you would check him out."

"I check everyone out, like you. I always look at your ass when you bend down."

"What the fuck."

"Well, your ass is in really good shape so."

"That's doesn't mean I want you looking at it idiot!"

He laughs.

The doors open and I see Luke walking in.

"Hey I have to go. Luke's here."

"Who the fuck is Luke? Are you replacing me?!"

"Shut up Michael. No I'm not. He's just someone who was desperate for a friend and he's an idiot who doesn't know Spanish."


"You aren't any better though."

"Whatever, have fun on your tutor date." And with that he hangs up.

I put my phone back into my pocket and walk towards him.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey. Let me just grab some bread for my mom and myself then I guess you can help me."


He sets his book bag onto the table and grabs some bread. I go back to the register and wait for him so he can pay.

He finishes and pays for it.

"Alright. Let's learn some español!" I say amused.


"Okay so that rose is what?" I ask.


"Yeah but what is red in Spanish?"

"Uh amarillo?"

"That's yellow."

"Ugh who cares! Let me just color it red!"

"Luke! It's not all about colors. What are you gonna do when she tests you on this?"

"Fail like always." He shrugs as if nothing.

That just annoyed me even more.

"No! You need to learn this! What if the guy that works for you or what if you become friends with someone who can't speak English?"

"Well you can speak English."

"Yeah. That's cause I had to learn it at a young age to be able to talk it correctly."

He huffs.

"Red is rojo."

"Wait. How did you know?"

He smiles.

"You just wanted me to do your homework for you! You lazy shit!"

"I'm not that stupid Calum. I know my colors and some of numbers but like I can't speak a sentence in Spanish. Somehow I always say the wrong thing."

"Okay then repeat after me."

He nods.

"Hola. Mi nombre es Luke."

"Hola. Mi n-nombre is Luke?"

"Closes enough but like the is, you have to say it making it sound like the letter 'E'."

"Oh okay."

"Okay now say--"

"Calum is un cabroń." Mali says out of nowhere.

"You're a perro infeliz."

"Um. What does that mean?" Luke asks.

"Cabroń means dumbass."

"So you basically called Calum a dumbass?"

I scoff.

"She's the dumbass one here. When she was backing out of party city, she hit a bicycle behind her."

She glares at me.

"I fucking didn't know it was there!"

"That's why you look back as you back out your car!"

"Whatever. You're just mad because mom won't buy you a car."

"Mali!! Buen baja la leches del la refriega."

Mali groans and goes back to the kitchen.

"What time is it?"

"6:48. Do you have to go home?"

"Yeah, have to be home by 8 unless it's the weekend."

"I'll walk with you."

"What about--"

"Nah, it's Sunday. We barely have any customers and its late so we are already closing."

"Oh okay." Luke stands and grabs his binder and puts it into his backpack.

I take off my apron and hang out beside the kitchen door.

"Im leaving mami!" I say before I walk out with Luke.


Sorry, this was kind of a boring chapter. They are only friends at the moment so.

Does anyone have The Weeknd's album? ( Beauty Behind The Madness) If so, tell me what your favorite song is off of it!! Mines 'Shameless' 💁🏽

Also read soketehemmings story called 'Reject' !1!1 (It's a cake story )



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