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It had been 3 days since I left the hospital.

I've been resting only. My mom won't let me get up.

I've been telling her I'm fine now and that I can use my hands. I just can't move my right shoulder a lot but she doesn't seem to understand.

Calum had gone home last night because my mom said he's been here too long like what the hell? He's only stayed 1 night.

I guess she's still bothered about what happened to me. She needs to get over it.

I hadn't realized what time it was until my phone went off.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Princesa , it's almost 3:30 and you still haven't gotten up?"

"Sorry. This medicine makes me really drowsy but I'm up now."

"It's okay but you need to get ready."

"For what?"

"I'm a take you out today and in an hour so be ready when I get there." Then he hangs up.

So demanding.

I get up from the bed but then remember my shoulder.

"Mom!" I yell and she comes rushing in.

"Yes honey?"

"I kinda uh need help getting into the shower."

"You want me to help you undress?"

I look away but nod. How else am I suppose to do that?

I was fixing my hair until someone had knocked on my door.

Calum walks in.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. Let me just grab my wallet."

"Yeah no." He grabs my left hand and pulls me out.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll know when we get there. Trust me , this date will be fun."


☞ Él Panadero ☞ » cakeWhere stories live. Discover now