About 15minutes later we were told to show our ID's and were able to go in.
The music was pretty loud and to be honest I loved it. We first sat down in a corner and Jack and I went to get some drinks and beers. As we arrived at the bar, we ordered a shot for everybody and beer.
We managed to bring everything back to the table and downed the shots, after wishing Emma a happy birthday. We then sat there and watched the people first, while drinking our beers. I leaned closer to Emma, to explain her the rules.

“Okay, first: No word to mom or dad. Second, no hooking up with any guy. Dancing is allowed, fucking or kissing not. Now we have the drinking, as long as I see and know it, it's okay. Don't drink without telling me. Understand?” I asked, making her nod and smile. I sat back to Jack and downed my beer, dragging Jack onto the dance floor. He chuckled and went with me, and we started dancing to the song.
I was quite buzzed by the time and felt so good. I stared up to Jack who was singing along the song, making me chuckle, I bit my lip and stood on my tip toes, pecking his lips lightly. He looked surprised, before leaning down and kissing me again, properly this time. I sighed out in content, before my phone went off.
“Shit” I mumbled, before walking over to our table and dragging Emma outside.
We rushed towards the hall, where it was silent and I accepted the call.
“Hello?” I asked, out of breath.
“Good evening Julia! Could we please talk to Emma?” My mother asked.
I handed Emma the phone, making sure she wasn't completely out of breath.
“Yeah? Thanks mom! Yeah it's great! I love it... Wish I could stay longer” She said, grinning at me. “Yeah, we're fine... No nothing happened. Yes okay, bye love you too BYE” She sighed annoyed, handing me the phone.
“Let's go back!” I smiled, taking her arm. She smiled back and we went back to our table, and sat down. We talked for a while before her and Claire went to the dance floor, leaving Zack, Alice, Jack and me alone.
“Who wants another shot?” I asked smiling.
“I'm on for it!” Jack cheered, making me laugh.
“I'd take another beer” Zack said, making Alice nod.
I smiled and Jack and I went over to get some shots. We decided to go with more than just 1for each, and got 6shots.
We managed to bring everything back to the table, making Alice and Zack look shocked at the shots.
“Come on, it's not like we're going to a club every day” I said smiling.
“Plus, you guys need to get prepared for the party's on the bus” Jack grinned.
“Oh god right” Zack laughed.
I rolled my eyes and Jack and I downed 3shots each. I started to feel really dizzy and started giggling at everything.
“There we go” Alice mumbled and then grinned at me. “Hey Jay, Penis” She whispered and I lost it. I cracked up and couldn't stop laughing.
“Fuck, my stomach hurts so bad” I managed to say through fits of laughter.
“Jay?” She said again, leaning in closer, making sure only I could hear it. By the time I was calming down already.
“Yeah?” I said, giggling.
“Jack's penis” She whispered, making me scream with laughter, causing Jack and Zack to shriek together.
“FUCK YOU ALICE” I laughed, making her roll her eyes.
I managed to calm down, and said I would be back in some minutes.
“Should I come with you?” Jack asked, making sure I'd be okay.
“Yeah, just say here” I smiled, kissing him. He smiled back and I went over to the bar, and ordered another shot, downing it and ordering 4cokes, taking them all back.
“Here you go guys” I slurred, placing the cokes on the table. Everybody took their cokes, and that's the last thing I remember.

Jack's POV

I took the coke Jay just brought and noticed she started to get really dizzy. She sat down next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder.
“Jack, let's get some more shots” she mumbled, her eyes half closed.
“I think you had enough” I chuckled.
“Whaaat? Noooo! I'm sober!” She slurred, looking shocked at me.
I chuckled and grabbed her hands, walking to the dance floor, while a slow song started playing. She rested her head against my chest, and I pulled her close my her lower back.
“Jack I love you” She mumbled.
“I love you too” I replied, smiling.
“No Jack, I need to show you that I love you” She said, looking up at me.
“Jay, I know you love me” I chuckled, kissing her forehead.
“But still” She sighed. She kept her arms tight around my waist, pulling me close.
“Jack, let's go home” She whined after the song was finished.
“What about the others? Plus we have no car!” I chuckled.
“We'll take a cab... please” She whined, looking up at me.
“Fine, let's just tell the others” I said, making her smile.
“Hey guys, we're going to mine. I think she's tired and needs some rest... We will meet up tomorrow” I sad to Zack and Alice who nodded.
“BYYE!” Jay slurred, nearly falling over Alice to hug her. Alice laughed, hugging her back. She awkwardly waved at Zack, before grabbing my arm and pulling me out. I laughed and we walked towards the exit. We made it out and caught a cab immediately.
While driving home, Jay dozed off on my shoulder, and just some minutes before we arrived she woke up, smiling at me.
“Okay, we're here! 50$” The driver said. I handed him the money and helped Jay out of the car. She nearly fell over as I let go of her hand, so I put my hand around her waist, supporting her. We made it home and I closed the door, leaving Jay alone for a second. I closed the door and as I turned around, she was away. Well Fuck!
“JAY?” I yelled, hoping she'd answer. No answer. God Dammit!
I walked into the living room and bedroom, hoping she'd be there. Just then I heard the fridge or freezer open, and I sprinted into the kitchen, to see Jay sitting on the counter, sipping a bottle of Jack Daniels, along with some raw bacon.
“Let's go to bed” I said , taking her hand.
“Yeah, I'm fine with that” she smiled, starting to pull me into a deep kiss.
She forced her tongue into my mouth.
“No Jay, we need to sleep” I mumbled, after she pulled away.
“Of course we need to sleep” she chuckled, playing with my belt.
I sighed and picked her up in bridal style, walking her into the bed room. While walking she started kissing my neck and nibbling my earlobe, which honestly turned me on, but I wasn't going to move on her.
“Jack” she whispered against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.”
“Yeah?” I asked back, placing her on the bed.
“I need to throw up” she managed to say.
“Okay wait here” I said, and ran into the kitchen to get a bowl.
I came back minutes later, handing her the bowl.
She leaned over, but nothing came out for at least 5minutes.
“False alarm” she mumbled, looking sorry at me.
“Never mind. I will give you a shirt and boxers to sleep in, wait here” I said smiling.
I walked over to my wardrobe, getting her one of my Boner shirts and boxers, handing them to her. She accepted them smiling and started to undress, while I went into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. I walked back, to see her already changed. I smiled and handed her the water. She downed it, and in the mean time I got out of my clothes, lying down next to her, pulling her close to me.
“Sleep now” I smiled.
“Good night” She slurred “I love you” She mumbled, before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
“I love you too” I whispered, pulling the covers over us.

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now