Chapter 15 : Impulse

Start from the beginning

- Where are you going? Asked Lucy.

- To buy you a coffee, she mumbled.


She hit, imagining his face, then hit again. She ignored the pain in her neck. She kicked, ignoring the throbbing in her still fragile leg. The sadness was gone, at least left aside. Anger and fear had taken all the place in her mind.

Mira wasn't regretting sparing Ivan Dreyar. Not that he deserved it. It was her that deserved not to fall that low. Then again, a bad feeling was taking over her. He was still on the loose, could still hurt them. Her worry wasn't only for herself. She thought of Laxus, who must be not only more destabilised than he let out, but also in danger now. Then she thought of Levy, and even Gajeel, who did not have anything to do with it, who had for only sin the bad luck of being at the wrong place at the wrong moment.

Then she realised it was the same for Laxus and her. Her only crime was to be the daughter of a worthless man and to cry her little sister's death. And Laxus? Being born with the wrong father? Not wanting to become the horrible person Ivan was? In the end, they were all thrown in a regretful situation, where their life was now in danger because of this monster. It was absolutely impossible that her sister's murderer would give up, she resigned herself. Soon or later, he'd come back. It was only a mater of time. Her rage doubled and she hit again and again.

- Don't you think you did enough? Asked a deep voice in her back.

That voice, Mira was starting to know it. What the hell was he doing here?

- I don't think so, she said without looking at him.

- You leg's shivering. It's obvious you're in pain, started Laxus. And...

She finally turned to him, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

- You idiot! He exclaimed, interrupting his own sentence. Your neck is even worst then yesterday!

The blue marks were indeed now blackish and seemed to take more space on her throat. Laxus couldn't help to look at the marks with disgusts. He wasn't repulsed by Mira. On the contrary, her hair tied up, her sport kit hugging her curves... she was sexy. But he couldn't take his eyes away form the finger prints, those of his father, and that, he couldn't accept it.

- What are you doing here Laxus? She asked, completely ignoring his comment before turning back to the punching bag.

- Training.

As if to prove a point, he hit the punching bag a couple of times until she got impatient.

- Well go train somewhere else! She said starting to also hit the bag, knowing he really was there to dissuade her from continuing.

She couldn't stop. She just couldn't. She aligned multiple punches and kicks, ignoring Laxus beside her. Mira knew that, in her current state, she was worsening her case more than anything else, but what could she do? Laying around until Ivan comes back to finish the job? Out of question!

- Mira... started to get upset Laxus.

She ignored him again. Knowing his lack of patience and his impulsive temper, she told herself he would get tired of it eventually.

- Mira!

She carried on.

- Mirajane! For god's sake! He exploded, firmly grabbing her shoulders and dragging her away from the punching bag which was seriously getting banged up.

- Let go of me! Don't you see I want to be alone?

- Hiding wont solve anything!

- Because of your father, neither you or me are safe. It's only a mater of time before he comes back for us!

- Don't you think I'm already aware of that? He said, a bit of sadness in his voice despite the severe tone he was using.

It saddened her to see Laxus like that. She was also sad to evacuate her anger on him. But she had to let all that out. Ivan had called her a demon. That constant need to hit, to let her anger out... Maybe she was one after all. Why wouldn't he understand she didn't want him to see her like that? Then, not expecting it, she had to dodge a hit from Laxus.

- What the hell's your problem? She yelled, while she almost got hit straight on.

- You want to let it out? I'm the first person to understand. Let's let it out.

She looked at him, dumbfounded. He continued.

- If your gonna get hut by yourself, we may as well do it together. If you're as stubborn as I am, I know you wont budge.

A satisfied smile grew on Mira's lips before sending herself a kick in Laxus's direction who barely dodged it. They continued like that a while. Some hits reached their target, but even if they were painful, neither were severe, their opponent making sure of it. After numerous minutes, Mira was finally destabilised enough and fell on the mattress, out of breath. She however managed to kick Laxus's ankle hard enough to make him fall... on her.

He was also gasping for air, and both of them took the time to regenerate their stock of oxygen, their eyes locked with the other's. Then a tension was felt. A strength neither understood was taking effect on both of them. The rage had disappeared, replaced by something else. Before they even realised what was happening, their lips went in search of the other's, quickly meeting in the middle. Their breath was cut off again, even more than the minute before. It was wrong and so right at the same time and neither of them was understanding what just happened, simply answering to a sudden impulse.

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