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Eryn's POV
"Eryn please tell me you did not." I wish I could tell him I didn't, but I did. I thought I was gonna loose my happiness again loose Ethan I didn't wanna loose him not again. "Ethan I wish I could tell you that I didn't, but that would be a lie and I don't want our relationship to get fucked up again so yes Ethan I did only because I thought I would loose you forever." He came closer and hugged me. "Look we may have a fucked messed up relationship, but you fight with the people you love the most." He pecked my lips then started to kiss me even more passionate. "Listen, Ethan lets go back to the apartment just you and I no fooling around as in fucking and just talking." He kissed my cheek "Of course just for you." He carefully carried me out of the treehouse.

At The Apartment

Ethan's POV
Eryn was sleeping peacefully by the time we walked into our apartment well I hope it was our she probably would kick me out if she knew what I did since I got angry about what was happening with her and Hayes. I put her in bed and tucked her in. I needed to go to the beach it was like 9 at night no one should be at the beach. It's LA who am I kidding of course people are at the beach I wanted to go back go New Jersey to see mom and dad. To see my ex Valerie she was a bitch but she was hot. We didn't have a relationship we were just fuck buddies my parents especially hated her. Turns out she had STD's and she got pregnant and got an abortion for the baby. Valerie was a hoe but she could fuck. I was at the beach and I saw a girl with long blond hair. It was fucking Valerie, why the hell was she in LA she should've been on the curb or a pole somewhere in Vegas. She turned around to me and made exact contact she looked different she had bigger boobs and she had bigger lips. She got plastic surgery this is why I fucking hated her at times. "ETHY GUESS WHO'S IN LA." she said well damn it was fucking obvious it was her obnoxious fake half ass barbie self. She jumped up on me and started kissing all over my face. I took her off of me. "What the hell Valerie get off of me." She looked down and saw my ring and grabbed my hand she took it off and threw it in the ocean. The same ring that I had matching with Gabriella the girl I loved most, the one girl that I was actually devoted to. "Now that that stupid ring is gone lets go back to the good 'ole dayssss." She started kissing me up around my neck and I didn't let go of her. I may have hated her, but a man needs his pleasure even though my real love was Gabriella. "Ethan who is that creepy girl looking at us like that."

Eryn's POV
I woke up in my bed snuggled in the covers. "Ethan, are you here." No response just the sound of the wind blowing. I figured Ethan had been on the beach he went there when he was stressed sometimes. Surprisingly my ankle had been feeling better. I started walking with the crutched then I put them down then tried to walk. I could walk but it would hurt. I decided I would surprise Ethan at the beach. I used my car which I almost never used and drove to the beach. I parked and as I was walking I saw and dark brown haired tanned boy kissing a short slutty blonde hair girl (NOT SHAMING YOU IF YOU GOT BLONDE HAIR THO BC YOU IS CAYUUUTE) I thought of it as nothing until I heard the girl said "Ethan who is that creepy girl looking at us like that." Then in the water I saw a ring like mine that was Ethan's float up on shore. I felt tears roll into my eyes. "ETHAN I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU I FUCK UP ONE TIME DIDN'T TELL YOU ABOUT IT AND THIS SHIT HAPPENED ABOUT TO BE 3 YEARS AGO AND YOU COME TO THE BEACH SO YOU CAN SUCK OF SOME SLUTS FACE UGH."

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