christmas shopping :)

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chapter 7

  Christmas was my favourite time of the year. It was a time of celebration and happyness. Seeing that it was the last day untill the christmas end of term, me, Draco, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny decided to go down to hogsmeade,to buy presents for eachother and our family. The girls went together and the boys went together. Me and the girls decided to go to the honeyjukes sweet store first. The store was huge and jam packed with sweets. All different kind of confectionary to choose

from. But I had alot of things to buy from the sweet store and from gladrags wizardwear.

     I looked around, going from isle to isle searching for nice christmas presents for my family and friends. All the sweets looked tasy, liquorice wands, pepper imps, chocolate balls, droobles best blowing gum. I went to the check out to pay for my things, I got chocolate frogs for my dad and Ronald, Bertie bott every flavour beans for Harry, ice mice for Ginny and my mom and creamy chunks of nougat for Hermione. I aslo got heart shaped chocolate for Draco, I got to put my own personal message on it, it said;' Merry Christmas to someone very specail. I love you lots C ',I didnt put my name just in case anyone saw it.I used the money I saved from my allowance over the year. I had a good budget.

    After honeydukes, me and the girls went to my favourite shop. Gladrags Wizardwear. I got all my wackey socks from there. Clothes were neatly piled on top of each other,under manacins.I went over to the womens area to look for something for my mother, and there it was, a long purple top that had a V-shaped shape by the chest, My mum loved any top that was long or purple, purple was her favourite colour. I looked in the area for the shops most best seller clothes. Their socks! they made the most wackyist socks, most colourful and bold socks than anyother clothes store. I saw some lovely striped ones that I would get for Ginny and Hermione. Me and the girls decided that we was going to try a few dresses on, seeing that I had to get one for christmas day, I was excited to see what they got. I picked out a few dresses and hung them up on the hanger in the changing room. I tryed on the first one, a goldish yellow, quite short and very tight. Then the second one on, a black eligent dress, a bit posh for christmas day I thought. Then it came to the blue one, it was knee length and tight enough to show off my figure. I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror, it was gawjuss. It was just the dress I was looking for and it was a good price.

          "Have you got it on yet Carol ?" Hermione's voice anounced infront of the curtain. I moved the curtain to one side and stepped out the tiny room. I looked into the bigger mirror outside and stood

bewhildered. Mione and Ginny stood next to me, there faces amaized by the way I looked. " well what do you think?" I asked them. They were as speachless as I was, I hadn't wore a dress for years. "You look stunning Carol, your beautiful." Ginny told me, I started blushing at her opoinion. As I looked behind me in the mirror, they were no longer the only ones who could see what I looked like, Harry Ron and Draco were stood there in astonishment. Draco's mouth dropped. I giggled and turned around to look at them all. " What you think?" I asked them, I was looking forward to their reply. " Your gawjuss, stunning, well..there's no words Carol, you look like a billian dollars. And to think that you are all mine." The boys nodded at what he said aswell. " Thank you, it's for christmas day." I smiled at Draco.

     " Well I better get changed and pay for all this lot" I made the other's for me outside the changing room. As I got undressed I began to think about the holidays. I had to meet up with draco some time. When I finished getting changed I collected my bags and took my clothes to the pay register. It didn't come up to much, £39 all together. We all decided to go to the shrinking shak, the most haunted building in britian. We all sat around the pond round the back of the building, you could see the fish swimming in the water and the flies hovering over. Me and Draco started to get everyone singing and laughing, it was nice to see all my friends laughing and singing together, this was probly the last time we all was going to see eachother till we went back to school.

     As we were all were singing we all turned quiet when we heard a very load bang coming from the house. We all looked at each other blankly when I stood up, every one looked at me puzzled. I started walking to the shak " where are you going Carol", harry questioned me. " To go and see what that noise was, don't you find it interesting?"No one answered me untill Ginny and Draco stood up. " I'll come with you Carol, don't know what is in that house." Draco sounded worried

about me. I laughed then carried on walking, soon everyone was following in my tracks. When we came to the door, every one stopped, even me for a second. I pushed the door gently, for it to open wide. I took a step in when I got pulled back by Ron," you seroiusly aren't going to go in there are you?" Ron asked scaredly, he was a wimp at times. " Well yeah, I'm not going to come all the way up here to chicken out Ron, you don't have to go in if you don't, I just want to see what that bang was" I pulled a cheesy smile at him. I took a big step in. The floor bored made a load creak as our feet went across it. I lead everyone in and the others huddled together behind me. I laughed at them.

     BANG!! screams roard out from us all as we ran back towards the front door, I wasn't as scared as the others were, but the bang scared me as for it was right next to me. We all ran away from the house, my hand was in Draco's as we ran towards the gates. We all stopped when we got to the gates and we all looked at eachother and burst out laughing. We had just ran away from a house. Me and Draco kissed again, and a 'awww' broke from my friends. I didn't bother looking over at them, I was too interested in Drace.

      "Carol Hardwood!" A voice screamed at me,I let go of Draco and looked over to where the voice came from. It was my father.  "Dad what you doing her?" I walked away from Draco towards my father. " Carol.What did I tell you. What did I tell you.You never listen to me. That's it, grab you bags and come with me now!" my father ordered at me. I could feel tears again."NO". I snapped back at him. " What did you say". At  this point my friends moved away from us so it would be less auquad for me to deal with, And Draco went with them.

        " You come here now young lady and don't disobey me. We are leaving now. And you will not have anything to do with him anymore" my dad voice was angry and it scared me quite a lot. I looked back over my sholder, Draco was hiding behind a branch, he had tears in his eyes, I could see the tears fogging up his eye sight. It killed me to see him cry, I wanted to go over to him. " NOW Carol!" my father shouted at me. I grabbed my bags from where I had been stood and walk towards my father. I realised that something dropped out my bag as I picked my them up. When I got in my dad's car and I seachered through my bags to see what was missing. My chocolate heart shaped for Draco.

hope you like this chapter next few chapters are better :) comment vote become a fan <3 xxx love GinaG_13

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