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chapter 5

 As the term went on, me and Draco became closer every day, we spent a lot more time together whenever we could. We were in love and no one could separate us. We were inseprable. We spent time together revising for the end of term exam. He was smarter than me so he tudored me thats one way he could spend more time with me, he found it intresting to watch me progress.

   All my friends found out about me and Draco. It took them a while for it to sink in. I told them how he has changed. Ginny and Harry accepted him the fastes. As for Hermione and Ron. It took a while,Ron didn't talk to me for about a week.

    The end of year exam was for biolidgy. I had strugled with that subject for years but when I got it explained to me I understood. I always felt pressured in exams, I always over think everything, but when I took the test this time, I felt relaxed and calm. I passed with an A grade.I told my parents and they were so proud of me, they said when I finish school we are all going on a cruise.

    When I was on the train, my mind was spinning everywhere. I was excited to go home and see my parents but I was going to miss my friends, and expecialy Draco. I wouldn't see him all through

the holidays. It was hard enough not to be with him all the time when I was at school but when I'm not, its going to kill me.

    I got off the train and got handed a trolly with my siutcase and owl on. I hugged everyone goodbye and I said I would write to them in the holidays. I headed out the station towards the car park, my suitcase was still heavy as I could only pull it with one hand, luckly I was dragging it down stairs.

 I saw my mom and dad standing by the car in the carpark. They were both tanned from their last holiday. There wide smiles were very welcoming. I walked over and gave them both a huge hug

and kiss. They were glad to see me and I was glad to see them, even though I knew they was going to give me a lecture about standing up for myself. I  had to listen to them all on the jouney back home, it was a four mile drive from the station. I always wrote poems when I had long jouneys, it emptied my mind.

When I reached home I ran stright upstairs and jumped on my bed. I got Draco's jacket, the one he gave me at the start of the year, and hung it up on her coat hanger. I started to unpack my clothes and put away my things and I came across a photo of me, Ron,Harry,Hermione and Draco. We all looked so happy.

     My mom called me down for lunch, we sat down at the kitchen table, Mum was just about to dish up. We always ate meals at the table together, that's one of the only times we ever used to get time spent together, they'd always be working away. My father was talking to me about his work and his friends up north, and mom was talking about the same thing.Then the convosation turned to me.They asked how I was doing at school in my lessons and out of school.I told them about my extra tutoring and how it had helped me get a better grade, I didn't metion who tutord me though.

    " So Carol, in one of your letter you said something about a boy. You said you were both interested in eachother, so who the lucky chap who gets my baby girl." My dad asked me. I cleared

my throut. " Draco.". they gasped at my answer and stopped eating. I didnt expect that responce." Draco Malfoy?" dad questoned, his voice strong with a hint of fear deep within. I looked at him confused. " Yes Draco Malfoy. What's wrong with that." I asked him hesitantly"The colour in his face vanished, he turned pale." I dont want you to see him any more" he orded at me. " He is bad for you. You are not to see him anymore, do you understand?" he roared at me, his face turned red from where he had been holding his breath." Why? " I bellowed back at him. My eye lids started to fill up with liquids. "Because he's bad for you.He's got nothing to offer you in life." 

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