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chapter 6

{  AN: hope you are all enjoying my story so far. Please comment and become

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Please read SmilingViolet story about Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley story,

(Unexpected Love)- I really enjoy reading it and you will too !   }

    Mine and Draco's secret relationship worked a charm on everyone. No one knew about us apart from Hermione. I was glad she was my best friend, she was so trustworthy. We would both stay up till about 12 o'clock every night talking to eachother untill Draco apparated, he did that so we could spend time together. We wound spend hours each night talking about the holidays and future life together. Because of my improvements in all my subjects, the proffessor thinks Draco should keep

tutoring me, she wants to see how far I can go.

        Every time I see him around school, I look away quickly only to look back over at him laughing at me.We tried to keep our distances from each other so neigther of us were tempted.We also tried not to make eye contact,last time we did he walked into a door, we thought if anyone saw us both looking they would know.It was hard to stay away from him in the day, but I had to remeber that I get to see him through the day.


      "Wake up sleepy head". A voice awoken me. It wasn't Hermione's voice, it was deeper. I half opened one eye then shut it quick. "what the hell are you bloody doing in here. What time is it?" I asked. Ginny was stood over my bed with Hermione, they wereall still in their pjamers still."1 o'clock I think,here put your dressing gown on and come with me, and don't ask questions", she threw my gown at me and walked towards the door. I pulled the quilt back and thrown myself to my feet. I walked towards hermione who herself looked confused. "What's this about H?" I questioned.

her face was blank. "I have no idea, Ginny just told me to wake up and follow her." We walked together behind Ginny,she seemed to know where she was going.

      "Where are we going already ginny, you taking us out of the castle", Heremione asked, ginne wasnt answering. We soon came to our destornasion when ginne close both of our eyes, just walked us forward and then we came to a stop still. She removed her hands from our faces to find Harry and ron sitting next to three picnik baskets. She had taken us down into the forbidden forest, down by the lake. The moon was full and stars were shining down on us. Ginny ran to Harry and gave him a hug,and Hermione did the same to Ron.

      " Whats all this about then?" I asked in astonishment it was so magical. A midnight picnik with all my best friends. "well Harry and I was thinking that we all should get out. We thought you all

would like it",I ran over and gave Harry and G a big hug. "its perfect. Thanks. Both of you." We all sat down on the blankets lay on the floor. Hermione huddled up to Ron and Ginne cuddled up with Harry, I sat there looking at them all, they were so happy and they were aload to show it, not like me and Draco are. We sat down eating from the baskets.

     " Do you think we should tell them, tell them about you and Dra" Mione whispred to me. " I not sure, do you think they will hate me if they find out?" I asked."I think they can take it, I am sure they will not hate you." "Hey what you whispereing about" Ron interupted. " Everyone listen I got something to tell you all, and I'm not sure how your going to react." I caught evryones attension straight away, I cleared my throught. " well, I'm going to tell you something and you are not to repeat anything.Well, I'm secretly going out with some one and my parents do not like him". Every one looked at me wide-eyeded. "Well who is the lucky man then Carol", Ron seemed most intreged.

Never Ending Love: Draco Malfoy love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt