Busy Busy Busy

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AN: hope you are all enjoying my story so far,, i do have another Draco love story that i am writing and i will upload it soon,,,, please comment and vote and become..

this chapter is just a filler,,,, next chapter is alot better i promise,,, love GinaG_13 

chapter 8

   On the way back from Hogsmeade,in the car, father was shouting at me. He was so angry with me because I had disobeyed him again.I didn't say anything, nor did mymom, I had never seen him so angry before, it scared me.

     When I got back home my father orded me to my room, and told me not to come down till tea time and then we would have a chat about manners and respect. I dragged my suitcase up the

stairs and threw it on my bed, I wanted to get unpacked as quickly as I could. I unzipped my suitcase and started unloading my clothes into the washing basket. I opened one of my empty drawers and hid the presents I brought in there. I had emptyed my suitcase out when I came to the bottom of it and there it was, another reminder of him, a photo of me and him kissing. I started crying and hudled myself on my bed. I pulled my knees to my stomach and started crying to myself.

"Carol, tea's ready. Come down now." My mother shouted up to me, she woke me up from my perfect dream, me and Draco where together. I trotted down the stairs, and pocked my head round the corner of the kitchen. My father was already sat down, I sat diagonal to him,I didn't want to sit oposite him.He looked at me as I ate, his stare was unconftable. After tea I went straight up to my room,and tried to avoid my father. I fell asleep with the photo in my hand.


A week passed since my father saw me and draco kiss. We didn't talk much after that. He still doesn't trust me going out.

  I opened my drawer that had my christmas presents in and emptied the drawer out. I took the wrapping paper from behind my bed and sat down on the floor. I cut perfect sized peices for the presents and placed them on the paper. I neatly folder the paper over them and wrapped them well, I was good at that. Once I had wrapped all the presents up I put them in a nice pile by the side of my bed. I took my mom and dad's presents down stairs and placed them under our tree, we had a large fern tree that we have had since I was young.I saw lots of presents with my name on, big ones and small ones.

  I had to deliver my presents to my friends that night, I grabbed my broom-stick and stood out by the back door, my mom gave me presents to give to my cousins, I had to deliver them on the way back.

     First the Wiesley's house. I knocked at their door and mrs Wiesley answered. I gave her the presents to give to Ron, Ginne,Fred and Geroge (Fred and George was Rons two older twin brothers). She vanished for a second and apeared back with three present, they were for me, I put them in my bag and said goodbye. Next destination, Hermione's house. Her house was in a small town in London. She opened the door at the sound of my voice, she was happy to see me, I didn't get a chance to say bye to her. I gave her her presents and I got mine, and then I was off again.

   The last place I had to go was at Harry's, well Siriuse Black's house,Harry moved in there last year. I knocked the door and Black opened the door and shouted up to Harry, Harry came running down the stairs, and gave me a huge hug. He had a couple of presents for me, I gave him two. I was going to miss him over the holidays.

     On the way back home, I dropped off my cousins presents and collect mine from them. From where my cousin lives, it's close to where Draco lives and I had to go right past it, I peered through the window on my way past, their living room was very well decorated, presents pouring out from under the tree. I had to fly faster past the window otherwise I would of stopped and gone to Draco.

     When I got back, I placed all the presents under my tree and went up stairs for a shower, I wanted to be clean and ready for tomorrow, afterall it was christmas eve. I was washing my hair when I heard a noise coming from my room, I quickly rinsed out my hair and put a towel around my body, I wrapped my hair in my towel and put it on my head. I put my slipers on and opened my bathroom door slowly, I looked around the door to see if anyone was in there, no-one was in my room. My door was still locked and everything was intact. I looked around and on my bed there was a small box with a note on it.

The note read;

 ' Merry christmas,

don't open untill 12 o'clock

P.S. I'm sorry xx <3  '

    I did as it said and didnt open it till 12. My parents were asleep and it was dark. I turned my lamp on next to my bed and took the small box from behind my pillow. I removed the note and unwrapped the small box, I opened it slowly. It was a silver chain with a diamond heart dangling from it, It was pure diamonds and a pure silver chain. It was gawjuss,and it looked expensive. On the box it said look on the back. I turned the heart over to find a personal message ingraved on the back. " I will always love you" it read. I knew who this present was off, The one I am forbidden to see.

Draco Malfoy.

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