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if you like story,, hopefully you will like my new story,, My life just gets worse: A draco malfoy lovestory xxx love GinaG_13

chapter 3

   I  woke up to an open window blowing through a fresh breeze and the sound of birds songs whistling with the wind. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, hermione was already awake and out her bed, I assumed she was in the bathroom having a wash. I climbed out of bed and strode across the cold wooden floor to the window. It was refreshing to feel fresh air in the morning. It kind of woke me up in a sence. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned to find Hermione making her bed.

     "Morning hun, have a nice sleep last night?" she asked me in a sarcastic way, ironing out all the creases in the bed." I did actually, slept like a baby some muggles would say". She started laughing at my quoke. I turned back around and starred out the window, I then became aquaintance by Mione who agreed with my thoughts about the beautiful morning. We hugged each

other and smiled.

     Once I washed and was ready, me and Hermione met up with Ron and Harry down stairs and walked to the hall together,her and Ron where holding hands kissing while I talked to harry, we entered together and sat down where we normally sit. I sat down and dug in, after about 5 mouthfulls I looked over Harrys sholder, who was sitting oposit me,and glazed at Slythrin table, there wasnt a lot of happy faces but I wasnt looking for their faces. I was looking for Draco's. I

looked and re-looked but he was no where to be seen. I wondered if he was just sleeping in but all his mates were there and we were late to begin with.

      First lesson came, posions, one of my favourite subjects of the week. I entered in and stood behind my desk, Draco's seet was empty. It puzzled me for where he had gone. Half way through the lesson, our teacher was asked to see the headmistress, I carryied on working with Ron when I was aproched by a girl, Roxy!

     " Aww isnt Draco here for you to stare at all day?" she implied. " Is that why your sad because your.." I cut her off midsentance " excuse me, I don't stare at Draco for your imfomation". I stood my ground and I stood infront of Ron. Roxy laughed with her Slythrin friends, some were his mates aswell.  " I dont see what so funny here" asked Ronald, getting involved. " Nothing you would understand Wiesley. Just Carol here has a secret little crush on Draco" she laughed back at Ron. I stood rite infront of Roxy, showing no fear!

   " Oh yh, atleast he likes me, atlest he likes me and I dont bum off him totry and get his attension. He knows you've liked him since the second year in." I bellowed down into her face. And thats when she lifted her hand up and slapped it across my face, I fell back into Ron, Slythrin cheered. I felt my face burn in her hand mark, I lent away from Ron and towards her and with all my anger, I let rip the hardest right punch I could do. When my nuckles touched her chin I felt a sharp pain, like a crack on my nuckles. Her body followed my hand and she fell back onto the floor, everyone looked at me in

shock and looked back at the floor, Ron grabbed me from behind and turned me around, he gave me the biggest hug ever. But then the hug broke out quick when I started yelping at my hand. He pulled me to face him and lifted my hand up. He could see that it was broken. All of a sudden I had the whole posion class around me,cheering and clapping. It felt good in a way I was just in pain with my nuckles." What the hell is going on in here oh my.. is that Roxy Fletcher on thefloor?, What happend" proffesor Magonagul had just walked in the room to find a student on the floor. Roxy started to wake up.

     " Its her proffesor, Carol Hardwood, she punched Roxy in the face full pelt." A boy from slythrin lied, its was krab. " Carol. where are you.?" I got myself out the crowd where miss could see the right side of my body. She looked at me in disaproveal.  " What have you done to poor Roxy Fletcher. You should be ashaimed of yourself. Hurting others." She frowned at me, her exprecion was heart breaking.

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