Chapter Thirty-Four

Começar do início


I think I'm fallin' for you


I can't stop thinking about it

I want you all around me

And now I just can't hide it

I think I'm fallin' for you


I think I’m fallin’ for you”

I take a deep breath while I try not to burst into tears.

“So, that’s it, hope you liked it. Don’t forget to give this a thumbs up, and subscribe to my channel. And then I’ll see you Saturday” I say stopping the camera.

"Wooh!" Casper says while he runs into my room, only wearing boxers, he always know how to make me smile with his weird actions. 

"Casper, where are your clothes?"

"I teleported them to Mongolia"

"Oh, seems legit"

"Why don't you apply to x-factor?"

"Because you're not wearing any cloths"

“Alright, that seems like really logic” Casper says, “But yeah, you’re beautiful and I love you and bye”

"Thanks, I love you too"

Yes I have a weird brother, but whatever, I love him, I need him in life.

Oh and there’s something else… I am seeing Ed Sheeran tonight! Me and Zayn would go together but because I love him so, so much, cough cough; I replaced him with Casper. We both think Ed is an amazing artist so, he will survive it, and if he doesn’t… I might care, but at that moment I’m too busy fangirling over Ed fucking Sheeran.

I watch my video back to see which parts I have to change, or re-record. But me being an awesome did a great job so there is nothing to change. I'm so damn good.


Zayn’s pov

URGH! I fucking hate my life, seriously. Why am I such a pussy? Why can't I just call Maura and tell her what really happened, it’s been a month! I'm still a wreck. I need to move on, and understand that she doesn't want me back. I guess... We're just... over. Like... officially done. This sucks.

I scroll through twitter while I sit down on the couch. I haven't been here for a long time. I mostly sat in my room, smoked listened some stupid music while I hated myself.

@Mauraaa: "hiiii, posted a new video, go check it out, tell me what ya think :)"

Why am I still following her? I have to delete everything that involves Maura stuff, cause seeing all this isn’t helping me to get over her.

I do click the video anyway, because I just want to hear her voice, see is she's okay. And because I am still in love with her, don’t hate. I think that the chance I will ever forget her is like … 0.000001%, or just 0.0%

Patient Love - z.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora